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• The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:08 P.M. Also
present were Committee Member Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried and.Sewer
Treatment Plant Operator James Kibbe.
Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared at the meeting to request of the committee
a commitment for sewer for his proposed development, The Meadows.
Mr. Potrykus was advised that sewer connections would be available
if plans for development are acceptable to the Common Council.
Mr. Art Bostater appeared before the committee to advise them
once again that he is still interested in having sewers available
in order that his land can be developed. Mayor Gottfried advised
Mr. Bostater that a comprehensive plan for the Denoon area is
being prepared by the Plan Commission and should be ready in two
weeks. He indicated that in the development of the comprehensive
plan one of the things being looked at is realignment of the
sewer district boundaries.
The committee reviewed a copy of a communication from Attorneys Godsell,
, Wdber, Bruch and Rick directed to Building Inspector Lee regarding
a broken tile on the Gonzales property in the Lake Denoon area
• The committee directed Mayor Gottfried contact the contractor in the
area in an effort to solve the problem
• The committee acknowledge a communication directed to Super Excavators,
Inc. requesting restoration of private propertLes where sewer have been
installed in the Denoon area
Mr. Kibbe advised the committee that alarm systems are still needed
at Guernsey Meadows Add. #1, Tudor Oaks (Lake Lore), Lake Brittany
Estates and Lake Denoon.
The committee reviewed a communication from Frank Ruekert, Jr.
regarding flow metering equipment for Lake Denoon
The committee reviewed a communication to the DNR which included
requests for the extension of Federal Sewage Permits. Mayor Gottfried
advised the committee that negotiations with the DNR for the
lifting of the moratorium will begin December 11, 1978.
The progress of Mrs. Olewinski's claim will be reviewed after the
city's insurance carrier determines if our liability covers matters
such as hers.
• There being no further business, Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Ald Dumke. Motion carried, The meeting adjourned
at 8:02 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee
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