The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke. Also present:
were Committee Members Tomczyk and Ford, Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen
Wallner and Pienkos and Assistant Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, Mr.
John Krahling.
Mr. Krahling discussed with the committee the problems the utility has
been experiencing with the alarm systems for the six lift stations.
He presented the committee with a brochure with information on a new
alarm system. Ald. Ford moved to forward the brochure to the Finance
Committee. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried.
Mr Krahling discussed with the committee problems they have been
experiencing with broken impellers on the pumps because of debris
that flows through the sewer lines. It was the committee's decision
that since Mr. John Mielke will be attending their next meeting to
defer the matter until that time. Ald Tomczyk moved to authorize
John Krahling to attend a seminar involving the repair and instal-
lation of motor seals. Seconded by Ald. Ford. Motion carried.
Mr. John Rowley, representing Freedom Square #4, appeared to request
availability of sewers for the Freedom Square #4 Project. The
committee advised Mr. Rowley of the present moratorium on sewer
• connections
Communications from Thomas Kroehn and Ronald Curtis of the DNR were
reviewed. The communications will be reviewed by the city's con-
sulting engineers, Reukert & Mielke in order that they can be discussed
at the next meeting.
Discussion took place regarding the salary for the recently hired sewer
inspector for the Denoon Project. Because the individual involved has
had prior experience Ald. Dumke moved to establish the salary for him
at $5.40 per hour. Seconded by Ald. Ford. Motion carried.
The committee acknowledged a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Feest requesting
sewer installation in front of property owned by them at Wentland
Drive Mayor Gottfried was directed to advise them of the present
The committee acknowledged receipt of a communication requesting
a refund in the amount of $280.00 for lateral installation from Mr.
Alvin Gibson. Ald. Ford moved to recommend Council approval of the
request. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried.
The committee reviewed a repair bill from Dretzka Construction Company
in the amount of $1,731.37 involving the repair of sewers along Tess
Corners Drive. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Finance Committee
• approval of the invoice. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee the financial status of the
city's sewer utility. He indicated that because of the moratorium
and because of reduced building activities the ability of the utility
to meet its obligations was in jeopardy. Following a lengthy discussion
Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Common Council that Ordinance #211,
As Amended, be further amended to increase the present unit schedule
by one-half unit, to increase the charge -for schools to $5.00 per year
per student and to increase the basic service charge as well as the
quantity flow charge for each 100,000 gallons of sewage discharged by
buildings or premises used for industrial purposes to $45.00 per
calendar quarter. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
Ald Ford moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Ralph Romczyk, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee
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