PSEM19780918• • PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SPETEMBER 18, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7 present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Ford, Mayor Treatment Plant Operator James Kibbe, Mr. John Mielke citizens. 38 P.M. Also Gottfried, and several Mr. Mielke advised the committee that the DNR has advised him that no further extension of sewers will be approved until an agreement can be reached between the city and the DNR as to how the new quality treatment standards required by 1982 'can be met. He indicated that it is his understanding this would include any plans to provide sewers to problem areas such as Bass Bay. Mr. Mielke also advised the committee that the city would probably have to go to court once a plan of action has been approved by the city and the DNR. Mr. Ray Gray of Rite Realty Co. asked if the letter from the DNR would be of public record and Mr. Mielke stated this is true. Mr. David Cunningham appeared at the meeting to request permission to build on three lots of the former Schaefer property. Since this would require approval of the DNR Mr Cunningham was advised that in the event sewer extensions are needed development probably would not be possible. Mr. Cunningham advised the committee that he would plan to front the three lots on Racine Avenue which would then make it possible to connect into the main in Racine Avenue. Mr. Cunningham was advised that any plans for a redivision of the 10 acres he owns would have to be approved by the Plan Commission prior to any action by the Sewer Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schwabenlendag appeared at the meeting to request sewer connections for a four lot division which would include the extension of Hedgewood Drive. They were also advised that because a sewer extension would be required action would have to await approval of an agreement between the city and the DNR. Mr. Art Bostater appeared at the meeting to inquire about estimates he had received for laterals to serve his land located on Lake Denoon He indicated he had not received estimates for the 8" laterals. Mr. Mielke advised him that he will send the estimated costs within the next few days. Mr Gordon Bohrer, McShane Rd., appeared before the committee regarding the failure of the contractor to properly restore his driveway. Mr. Kibbe advised the committee that Payne & Dolan had still not finished resurfacing the roads, etc. and when this does take place his driveway will be taken care of. Discussion took place regarding the operation of the oxidation lagoon's aeration systems. Mr Mielke and Mr. Kibbe concurred that a manifold system should be constructed to allow feeding of H Cl gas to all the existing aeration tubing. The committee reviewed the recommendations of the Hine Corporation and agreed that Step #1 of the 3 point program should be started immediately. If it is determined that additional steps are required they would then move to a second suggestion. It was Mr. Kibbe's opinion that if he is successful in his efforts all major problems with the lagoons should be alleviated. Ald. Dumke moved to authorize Mr. Kibbe to begin taking the corrective measures. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The committee discussed the proposed development of four lots on the Vesbach property. It was the committee's opinion that any plans for buildings should include check valves to minimize the possibility of basement flooding. Public Sewer Committee September 18, 1978 Page 2. Ald. Ford discussed with the committee his concern over the failure of the city to take the necessary corrective measures to solve Mrs. Olewinski's problems of sewage backing up into her basement whenever the lift pumps fail. Mr. Kibbe explained to the committee how and why these failures occur. Ald. Ford questioned whether or not the city couldn't purchase and install the necessary check valve in her basement to alleviate the problem. Mr. Kibbe advised the committee that lightning had made most of the radio and alarm systems inoperable and it could be several days before all alarms are working again. The committee suggested that Mr. Kibbe manually check the alarm system periodically to make sure it is functioning properly. There being no further business, Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 33 P.M. • RT/ j e • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Ralph Tomczyk, Sec'y Public Sewer Committee