PSEM19780530• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 30, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 7 30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Tomczyk and Ford, Mayor Gottfried and those persons as per the attached list. Mr. Dick Jahnke appeared on behalf of Dale Dawson to request that the committee consider providing sewers for a portion of the Dale Dawson property. He presented a preliminary sketch of 29 lots for the committee's review. Mr. Jahnke w as advised of the present moratorium and the procedure to follow before approval could be given by the committee and Common Council. Mr. Jahnke was further advised that he would receive a response to his request from the committee after a decision on the moratorium has been made. Mr. Dick Zach appeared at the meeting to request approval of an eight lot subdivision which is part of the Froelich property. He also provided the committee with a sketch showing how the balance of the property could be developed. Mr. Zach indicated his main concern, however, was the eight lot division. The committee noted that the Plan Commission had approved the eight lot division along with another alternative, however, since the eight lot division would require platting under the State Statutes approval for sewers would require • Council action. Mr. Robert Stack appeared before the committee to once again request the lifting of the moratorium in order that the Paul property (Sandy Knoll Subdivision) could be developed (29 lots). The committee acknowledged a communication from David Cunningham, representing Wisconsin Emporium, requesting that a portion of the 126 sewer connections previous granted to the Wildflower Development be transferred to a proposed development adjacent to Wildflower. The committee discussed at length the status of the present moratorium which was imposed by the Common Council late in 1977. Several res- idents of the Bass Bay area spoke in opposition to the lifting of the moratorium, particularly, if it would affect the sewers planned for their area. Mayor Gottfried reviewed for the residents of the Bass Bay area the status of the negotiations with Mrs. Viola Kurtze He also provided the committee with his thoughts regarding the moratorium. Members of the committee also discussed with several of the citizens in the audience the problems related to odors emanating from the oxidation lagoons, capacity of the holding ponds and the disposal of sludge from the northeast plant. Mr. William Casper, representing First Wisconsin National Bank, • questioned the committee as to how they intend to determine whether or not the moratorium should be lifted and indicated he would like a direct answer. Ald. Tomczyk stated that he had no intention of voting to lift the moratorium at this time. Mayor Gottfried presented the committee with a report from the Building Inspector indicating how many lots are available for development in both the northeast and northwest district. He also indicated that continuation of the moratorium could cause a substantial increase in the city's tax rate. He reviewed for the committee the report of Ruekert & Mielke, dated July, 1977, and indicated that the Common Council would have to decide whether or not the capacity of,the sewer systems should be increased or the present moratorium should be con- \tinued at the risk of a rising tax rate. Ald. Ford indicated that the inflow infiltration problem was due to wet weather and that unless some action is taken any growth could possibly come to a halt in five years. He indicated that he would be in favor of continuing the moratorium in the northwest district. Ald. Dumke concurred with Ald. Ford. 9 • Public Sewer Committee May 30., 1978 Page 2. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to prepare a report which would show the number of developments presently before the Plan Commission to help the committee decide whether or not to recommend the lifting of the moratorium. The committee agreed that that decision will be made on June 19th. Ald. Ford moved to authorize Ruekert& Mielke to determine how the oxidation system in the sewer lagoons can be repaired so as to solve the odor problem. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried. The committee reviewed a communication from City Clerk Bowyer regarding a claim from Mrs. Loretta Yanny for $1,500.00 to replace a tree damaged during sewer construction. The committee noted that sewers had been installed in that area in 1971 and that the only claim the city had received at that time was for lot line stakes which had been disrupted and the loss of lawn. The committee also noted that Supterintendent Bertram has advised Mrs. Yanny that the lot stakes would be replaced when the concrete invert being constructed on the west side of her prop- erty is completed. Ald. Ford moved to deny the claim in the amount of $1,500.00 from Loretta Yanny for a damaged tree because seven (7) years have passed since the alleged damage to the tree. Seconded by • Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. Building Inspector Lee discussed with the committee the problems he has experienced with a riser on Tess Corners Drive. He indicated that the problem has been resolved and a major infiltration problem solved at the same time. Inspector Lee questioned who is responsible for the cost of the road repairs. It was the concensus of the committee that the city should bear the cost. Mr. Alfonso Moreno, Hillendale Drive, asked the committee who made the decision to sewer the area around Little Muskego Lake. Mayor Gottfried explained that sewering the residences around Little Muskego Lake was part of a major sewer program. There being no further business, Ald. Ford moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee RT/je 4TTE UD� WCOE: • r U °�t� Jr4ti -1-S Lo n am wnf,-�-,k . 4Zol i� lsJ � 6 3 s 7 %3 S, l3 �� h9 7n� zN w 3 6 7 9- 3579G,, W, /.-o-7 Vln g 19/ 10 L 3a 6-\ SA. G� ass , 67 aMq S32i1