The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8'00 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Ford and Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried, Mr
John Mielke, Consulting Engineer, Building Inspector Lee and Ald.
Attorney Richard Hunter, representing Walter Vesbach, appeared to
discuss the easement agreement between Mr. Vesbach and the city which
had been executed in 1967 He indicated that his interpretation of
the agreement was that the city must allow Mr Vesbach to use the
sewers for development purposes. He asked what the city's position
was regarding this matter. Mayor Gottfried advised Mr. Hunter the
city's position in the matter was somewhat different, however, Mr.
Vesbach would be given the same consideration as any other landowner.
He further explained to Mr. Hunter that until recently the city has
never received any plans for a development on the Vesbach property.
The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to discuss the matter with
City Attorney Buckley.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Mr. John Mielke reviewed with the committee the progress of the Lake
Denoon Sewer Project He indicated that Mr. Bostater's request for
two 8" laterals is reasonable, however, a manhole would have to be
• constructed at the end of the lateral for future use. Mayor Gottfried
advised the committee that Mr. Bostater has agreed to assume the
additional costs in his request.
Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the owner of a parcel of
land where the lift station is to be constructed has changed his
position on the matter and therefore the city will have to begin con-
demnation procedures. Ald Tomczyk moved to recommend to the Common
Council that condemnation procedures be started in order that the city
can acquire the necessary land from Mr. Arrington. Seconded by Ald.
Dumke, motion carried.
The committee discussed the status of the Bass Bay Sewer Project.
Chairman Dumke advised the committee that City Attorney Buckley has
been negotiating with Mrs. Viola Kurtze's attorney. He also indicated
that extensive soil borings have been taken to determine the quality
of the soils in the area. City Attorney Buckley has requested from
Ruekert & Mielke an update of the estimated costs of the project as
well as the estimated cost, specifically for Mrs. Kurtze.
The report from the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator for the month of
April was reviewed and placed on file.
Mr. Mielke advised the committee that all restoration, including the
final asphalt lift in Freedom Acres Addition #1, must be completed
• by July 1, 1978, in order for the city to be eligible for a State grant
Mr. Mielke reviewed with the committee the progress of the Infiltration
and Inflow Study. He indicated conditions varied in some areas depend-
ing on the time of the year and the ground water level. He produced
pictures to verify infiltration through leaky manholes, etc., however,
Mr. Mielke indicated that, in his opinion, a great portion of infil-
tration does come from sump pumps and leaky laterals Mr Lee advised
the committee that they had begun a house to house check for illegal
sump pumps in those areas which showed problems as a result of the
monitoring which was done. Mr Mielke indicated that most communities
are having similar problems and that the Department of Natural Resources
is not concerned with the hydraulic load but is concerned with the
quality of treatment. He advised the committee that a review of the
report submitted by the city's sewer treatment plant operator indicated
that both plants are meeting the standards established by the DNR in
spite of the overloading due to infiltration
Public Sewer Committee
May 8, 1978
Page 2.
In answer to Ald. Tomczyk's question as to whether or not there is
a posibility of building more holding ponds, Mr. Mielke advised the
DNR will not authorize any additions to a temporary plant until the
Infiltration and Inflow Study for the entire Milwaukee Metropolitan
area is completed.
Mr. Mielke advised the committee that he has requested that the
company that installed our oxidation system examine the equipment
and lines to determine why it is not functioning as it was designed
to. He indicated that sediment is building up a great deal faster
than it should be.
Mr Mielke provided the committee with the following alternatives-
1. Expansion of both the city's treatment facilities for a
10-year interim period or until Milwaukee Metropolitan sewers
are available to the City of Muskego
2 A 10-year expansion program which would involve only the
northeast treatment facility but would also include the con-
struction of the large interceptor on Woods Road and the
discontinuation of the use of the northwest plant. (He pointed_
out, however, that the cost of the interceptor could be as
high as $5,000,000.00, however, 75% could be paid by state and
federal funding.)
3. If the city does use the Milwaukee Metropolitan sewers what
will the cost to the City of Muskego be in the event the
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission loses the suit with
the State of Illinois and the quality of 5-5-1 is required? (He
indicated that the present charge is $432.00 per 1,000,000
gallons, however, that could increase to $800.00 or $1,000.00
per 1,000,000 gallons.)
4. Use the Milwaukee Metropolitan sewers with a quality standard
of 10-10-1 in which case the cost of treatment would be less
than if the quality of treatment would be 5-5-1. (Mr. Mielke
explained that. the numbers indicated the level of "solids, the
amount of b.o,d and phosphate removal after treatment.
Ald. Ford again suggested that one of the two treatment plant operators
should attend the Sewer Committee meeting. Mayor Gottfried advised
the committee that he will again invite either Mr. Kibbe or Mr Krahling
to the next meeting
Ald. Ford -questions why spoil backfill is being used in the Guernsey
Meadows Additional #1--when the original=specifications called for
gravel. Inspector Lee advised.the commit -tee that the problem had been
reviewed by the Public Works Committee and that the original specifi-
cations requiring gravel were in error and that spoil backfill has
• always been permitted by the city when sewers are not in the street
irght-of-way and in streets when the three -stage construction has been
approved by the Public Works Committee. Mr. John Mielke concurred with
Mr. Lee in this matter The committee agreed that the sewer inspector
should have received a copy of the corrected specifications.
There being no further business Ald. Ford moved to adjourn Seconded
by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10 25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee