PSEM19780417• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 17, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7 30 P.M. Also present were committee members Ford and Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried, Sewer Engineer James Kibbe and those namers on the attached list. Mr and Mrs. Burmeister appeared before the committee to explain their problem of sewers backing up in their basement. Mr Kibbe and Mayor Gottfried explained that a pressure or clapper valve should be installe to prevent the backing up of the sewer water Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the possibility of installing an alarm system to mon itor the back up problems during heavy rainfall could be investigated Mr. Robert Stack appeared to request sewer hookup for a proposed 29 lot subdivision known as Sandy Knoll to be developed by John and Margaret Paul. It was explained to Mr. and Mrs. Paul that since the Plan Commission has already approved the concept as presented by Mr Stack approval of their request for sewer connections will depend upon the status of the present moratorium previous adopted by the Common Council. It was further explained to them that an intensive infiltration study is being made and that the results of that study will be reviewed over the next few months. Mr. Scott Fisher, representing the 24 Outdoor Theater, appeared • at the meeting to advise that he had checked into all alternatives other than connecting into the Muskego Sewer System. He advised the 24.Outdoor Theater is zoned Heavy Industrial, therefore, holding tanks cannot be used. However, holding tanks would solve the problem if New Berlin were to reconsider its regulations regarding holding tanks. The committee acknowledged receipt of a communication from Attorney Richard N. Hunter representing Walter and Dorothy Vesbach requesting, to be advised when the sewer moratorium might be lifted. The minutes of the previous meeting held March 20, 1978, were reviewed and placed on file. The committee reviewed a communication from Ruekert & Mielke advising that the earliest date for delivery of a lift station for Project MSS-2-77 in the Lake Denoon area would be September 1, 1978. Therefore a "start up" date of October 1, 1978, is proposed James Kibbe discussed with the committee problems of the sewer plant with infiltration, illegal hookups, holding ponds, etc. An inspector is presently checking for illegal hookups door to door. A suggestion was made to send a letter to all persons in the district advising them to discontinue their illegal hookups or be fined $100.00 per day. There being no further business Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded • by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 35 P M. Respectfully submitted, Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y. Pubic Sewer Committee