The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7*32 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Ford and Tomczyk, Aldermen Wallner, Pienko:
Mayor Gottfried, Mrs. Irene Masch, Mr. Paul LaCourciere, Scott Fischer,
Harold DeBack, James Budish.
Mrs. Masch appeared before the committee to ask whether or not the
committee had approved of the addition of the extra parcel of land to
the original purchase of land and how the deferred sewer assessment
would be affected. The committee noted that the certified survey map
did show that the additional parcel purchased has been attached to
the original parcel. They also advised Mrs. Masch that if a redivision
were requested and the house built on the second parcel the entire de-
ferred assessment for the ?Mahn property would be due immediately. Ald.
Dumke moved to recommend to the Common Council that the request of
Mrs. Masch to attach additional land to her parcel be approved and
that the approval be subject -to the sewer assessment in the amount of
$1400.00 be paid..
The minutes of the.previous meeting of --January 16, 1978, were reviewed
and placed on file.
Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee what progress had been
made with 'Mrs. Kurtze and her attorney. Mayor Gottfried advised that
• he would be in contact with Mrs. Kurtze and once again suggested that
she sell the needed right-of-way for road purposes to the city
immediately and not wait for a developer to become interested in her
property. Mayor Gottfried indicated that Mrs. Kurtze seemed to be
receptive to the idea. Ald. Ford moved that the committee meet with
Mrs. Kurtze and her attorney in an effort to negotiate for the right -
of way. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried.
Mr. Scott Fischer appeared before the committee to discuss the possib-
ility of having the 24 Outdoor Theater connect into the city's sewer
system. Ald. Ford suggested Mr. Fischer seek other alternatives than
to connect into the Muskego sewer system. Mr. Fischer indicated that
they are having some problems and that periodically sewage did flow
into the ditches which lead into the City of Muskego He indicated
a maximum of 1,000 gallons per day would be generated by the theater
and that in the winter the theater is only open on weekends.
Mr Harold DeBack appeared to request sewer connections for a two -
parcel division of land on Racine Avenue. The committee noted that
the preliminary plat had been approved by the Plan Commission. Mr.
DeBack requested permission to hook up the two needed laterals to
the manholes. The committee noted that the frontage totaled 388'
and that an assessment was made on 195', therefore, the south lot
would have to be assessed in some way in accordance with present
city policy. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact the
city engineersfor their advice regarding the matter.
The committee discussed the status of the Lake Denoon Sewer Project.
?Mayor Gottfried advised the committee as to his discussions with
Town of Norway regarding the estimated costs. More information would
be available on Wednesday, February 21st from the Town of Norway,
however, the city will request an extension with the contractors who
were the low bidders on the project. He further advised the committee
that the negotiations will continue.
Mayor Gottfried advised the committee of the status of the proposed
Wildflower Development. He indicated that attorneys for the George
Schaefers have requested additional time in order that further neg-
otiations with the developers could continue. The committee discussed
the,possibility of establishing a time limit after which the 126
units committed to Wildflower would be taken away. Ald. Ford moved to
establish a June 1, 1978, deadline by which time construction of sewers
in the'Wpdflower Subdivision must begin. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk,
motion carried. Mayor Gottfried was directed to notify the parties
involved of the committee's action.
r 1
Public Sewer Committee
City of Muskego
February 20, 1978
Page 2.
Due to forthcoming sewer projects the committee determined that the
city would be needing additional sewer inspectors. Ald. Ford moved
to authorize Gerald Lee to interview candidates who would qualify as
sewer inspector. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
Chairman Dumke read a communication from Ruekert & Mielke. Same
placed on file.
Mayor Gottfried read a communication from Ruekert & Mielke regarding
the extension of sewer lines from Freedom Avenue south to the center
line of McShane Road. The committee noted that by extending the line
into McShane Road it would be available for future development to the
east -if the city -found it -desirable.
Sewer Treatment Operator Reports for the month of -January were -
reviewed and placed on file.
Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9-06 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Ralph Tomczyk, Sec'y.
Public.Sewer Committee