PSEM19771219:T • PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 19, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8.42 P.M. Also present were committee members Ford and Tomczyk and Mayor Gottfried. Mr. William Casper, representing the First Wisconsin, appeared before the committee to discuss the possible reallocation of 126 units pre- viously approved for Freedom Square and later given to Wildflower Dev- elopment. The committee noted that the Wildflower Development has been held up pending resolution of a problem between the owners and the dev- elopers. Mayor Gottfried indicated the attorney for the Schaefers has advised him the matter should be resolved within a week. Ald. Ford indicated that he personally did not feel obligated to give back the 126 units to Freedom Square. Mr. Casper was advised that in light of the possible -resolution of -the-_problems.between the two par -ties involved it was quite-possible=the Wildf-lower Development -was viabl-e and -therefore th 126 units-would=nbt-be available. -The committee noted, 'however;_that..any attempt by=the:-developers--of-Wildfl-ower to -change -the previously approved plans -would require a review of. -the -allocation by the Sewer -Committee. In answer to_a communication received from Mr.- Casper, dated November 15, 1977, the committee.advised him that it was -not possible togive him any firm indication who would have priority -when sewers became - available. Mayor Gottfried advised Mr. Casper that in the event a change in the originally approved development was made such as that which would=be_-needed under Section=8,-Financing; it •would require -a public hearing. Ms:-Irene-Masch; owner of -the -former Mahn property, -appeared -with Mr. and Mrs. LaCoureera, regarding the possibility of purchasing addition- al lands next to their home -in order that -they could build -a garage without affecting the deferred sewer assessment previously granted by the Council. Mayor Gottfried was directed to discuss the matter with City -Attorney -Buckley and-further.to determine the cost of assessment in the event the purchase was --possible. Mr. Frank Narlock appeared--before-the committee -.to -discuss the possibility of having the -balance of Lakeview Hills served by munic- ipal sewers. He provided the--committee-with=a copy -of a previously approved preliminary-plat--of-which a portion was approved by the - Common Council as.a final=plat.:: The committee -advised Mr..Narlock that the status of the moratorium -would be reviewed-in.l.ate spring and -suggested that he send -a letter to the committee indicating his desire for municipal.sewers-in order that his request could be considered at that time. Mr. Don Miller appeared at the meeting to present a preliminary sketch consisting of eleven lots which has been approved by the Plan • Commission. He requested municipal sewer service to serve the dev- elopment. Mr. Miller was also advised to direct a letter to the committee requesting municipal -sewers in order that it too could be considered when the moratorium is lifted. Mr. Robert Stack, representing Mr. and Mrs. Paul, presented a sketch for the proposed Sandy Knoll development which has been approved by the Plan Commission. He requested sewer connections for 29 lots. Mr. Stack and Mr. and sirs. Paul were advised of the status of the moratorium. They were further advised that the capacity of the northeast treatment plant was being re-evaluated to determine if and when additional sewer connections can be made. Mr. Raymond Musolf, Velva-Drive, appeared before the committee re- garding a request by sewer contractor Debelak to install a manhold on a sewer easement which he granted to the city. Building Inspector Lee advised the committee that the contractor had requested permission to install the manhold in order that they would not have to relay an additional 100' of sewer pipe. The committee noted that the pro- posed manhole was not part of the original construction plans and that it would not be esthetically acceptable to Mr. Musolf Ald. Tomczyk moved to deny the request. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. 0, Public Sewer Committee December 19, 1977 Page 2. Mr. Raymond Wallner, Agent for Clarence Froelich, appeared before the committee to determine whether it would not be possible to get approval for an 8 lot subdivision to connect into the municipal sewers. The committee noted that the Plan Commission has indicated they would approve a division of land if it were one of three alternatives prepared by Planning Consultant Mangiamele. They further noted that the division, as proposed, was large enough to accommodate four lots. Mr. Wallner was advised to get the necessary approvals from the Plan Commission and that if the commission approved anything over four lots the Plan Commission and the Common Council would have to give approval for connection into the sewer system. Communication from Ruekert & Mielke regarding infiltration problem in the Guernsey Meadows Subdivision was received and placed on file. Mr. Mielke indicated that the excess infiltration might be due to illegal sump pump connections. A copy of a communication from Ruekert & Mielke to Debelak Brothers regarding completion of the Bay Lawn Subdivision sewers was reviewed and placed on file. The committee discussed Mr. Art Bostater's request for additional sewer laterals. The committee was in general agreement that because of the many problems involved Mr. Bostater should withdraw his request. Mayor Gottfried will advise Mr. Bostater of this suggestion of the committee. The minutes of the Public Sewer meeting held November 14, 1977 were approved and placed on file. Ald. Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ralph Tomczyk, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee