PSEM19771114PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 14, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:08 P.M. Also present was committee member Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried and Ald. Wallner. Old business Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that there are still several problems which must be corrected in the Freedom Acres - Bay Lawn Subdivision Sewer Projects. He indicated that the problems were in the easement areas and therefore the roads have been given their first lift of asphalt. Mayor Gottfried further advised that the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission has given permission to connect into the city's sewer system once all problems have been corrected to the satisfaction of Muskego's Sewer Inspector. Mr. Robert Stack, representing Robert Stack Associates, appeared to discuss with the committee the possibility of connecting the proposed Sandy Knoll (Paul property) to the city's sewer system. He provided the committee with a copy of the plat and indicated that no sewer connections would be made until after July 1, 1978. Chairman Dumke advised Mr. Stack and Mr. and Mrs. Paul of the present moratorium which is in effect until July 1, 1978 and that there would probably be no approvals prior to that date. Mayor Gottfried suggested that the committee again review the request after they receive a preliminary report by the city's engineers on the results of the Inflow and Infiltration Study. Mr. William Casper of the First Wisconsin Investment Company discussed with the committee the status of Freedom Square IV which is a part of the Parkland Planned Unit Development. He requested that since the development had received previous approval from the Council that it be given priority when sewer connections are available. He specifically requested that in the event the proposed Wildflower development does not occur they be given back the 126 sewer connections which were originally granted to them. Chairman Dumke explained to Mr. Casper that it has not been determined whether or not the proposed Wildflower development was a viable project. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact the attorneys involved in order that a decision regarding the reallocation of the 126 sewer connections can be made. Mr. Art Bostater appeared before the committee to request additional laterals to serve property fronting on Racine Avenue. He presented to the committee a sketch showing the possible development to be served by the sewers. Mr. Bostater was advised of the procedure which must be followed before the Sewer Committee would consider a request for sewers, however, they did indicate that additional laterals probably could be provided if he paid for them and if some form of preliminary approval by the Plan Commission of the proposed development can be obtained. Mayor • Gottfried was directed to contact the city's engineers to determine the length of time available to Mr. Bostater before a decision on the lateral request must be made. The committee reviewed a communication from Ruekert & Mielke advising them that the balance of Mr. Narlock's property on Hillendale Drive could be served through the use of the Williams Drive lift station. Mayor Gottfried was directed to advise Mr. Narlock of the engineer's findings. The committee once again discussed the request of Clarence Froelich that the city reimburse the County $1800 for the first year's assessment of the Lembezeder Drive Sewer Project. It was the decision of the committee that it would not be in the best interest of the sewer utility to recommend to the Common Council approval of the request. Public Sewer Committee 11/14/77 - P. 2 The committee has been advised that bids for sewer installation for the Lake Denoon Project will be opened on December 1, 1977, at 11:00 A.M. The committee was advised that a meeting with Mrs. Viola Kurtze and her attorney and the city's attorney was fruitful and the prospect of re- solving the easement problem was encouraging. The minutes of the previous meeting held October 17, 1977, were reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:46 P.M. A RT/je • Respectfully submitted, Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee