PSEM19771017PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 17, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7 40 P.M. Also present were Ald. Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried and City Attorney Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and their son Wayne Peterson appeared before the committee to discuss the sewer assessment which would be charged against a lot created by certified survey map. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the Petersons were a part of the "C" District and as a result any assessment would relate to the one established when those sewers were installed. He explained that the new parcel had an average frontage of 225.02 feet and the "C" District assessment was $7.85 per foot. Based on these figures the Peterson's assessment would be $1,766.41. The Petersons indicated to the committee they agreed with the assessment. Ald. Tomczyk moved to establish the assessment of $1,766.41 and that no building permit be issued until that assessment is paid. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Mr. Frank Narlock appeared before the committee to clarify his future development plans. Mr. Narlock indicated he felt the balance of his land could connect into the lift station on Williams Drive. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact Ruekert & Mielke to review the matter and to determine whether or not it would be possible for the lift station to handle the additional connections. The committee should also be advised how the sewage would flow from Mr. Narlock's land to the lift station. Mr. Harold DeBack appeared at the meeting to request a sewer defer- ment on lands owned by him on the east side of Racine Avenue except his home and one lot which is presently 152 feet in width. The committee determined that the deferred assessment would be approx- imately $5,000.00 and discussed whether or not they should consider that small amount for a sewer deferment. Mr. DeBack indicated he planned to redivide the present lot west of his home which is 152' so that it conforms to the proposed zoning of RS2. Mr. John Kapsos of Unishelter, Inc. appeared at the meeting. He asked if his corporation purchased the land known as Freedom Square IV would they be able to obtain sewer service. Ald. Dumke reviewed the status of the sewer capacity and the moratorium which will be in effect January 1 and reviewed by the Council July 1, 1978. Mr. Raymond Wallner appeared before the committee to re -apply for sewers for the 15 acres on Racine Avenue which is zoned B2 and for the 85 acres zoned residential. The residential would consist of duplexes. The Plan Commission has p-eviously denied submitted plans. Since the Board of Appeals has also denied Mr. Wallner's appeal and the matter is now in the courts it was the decision of the committee that until such time as a judgment is made they do not feel there is a need for any commitment. Ald. Dumke reminded Mr. Wallner that Plan Commission approval of a development is required before the Sewer Committee will consider any requests for permission to connect into the city's sewer system. Mr. Clarence Froelich appeared at the meeting to discuss the status of his deferred assessment for sewers which were installed on Lem- . bezeder Drive. He explained that in spite of the deferment he was assessed approximately $1800 for the first year's payment. He further indicated that since the County had paid the city for his taxes and assessment the city would have to reimburse the County approximately $1800 in order that the full assessment would be deferred.