PSEM19770912CA PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke. Present were Committee members Aldermen Ford and Tomczyk. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Wallner, Mr. Robert Klenz, Mr. Bob Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. James Budish and Mr. Frank Ruekert, Jr. Several residents of the Bass Bay area appeared to discuss with the committee the status of the proposed sewer project for their area. The status of the project and the many problems encountered were reviewed by Chair- man Dumke and Mayor Gottfried. Because of the many ordersfor abatement of pollution issued by the Waukesha County Health Department Mr. James Budish suggested that since all efforts of negotiations have failed condemnation procedures be started. Mayor Gottfried explained the difficulties which will be encountered in the condemnation process particularly the length of time it could take and the excessive costs. Ald. Ford suggested the city could possibly adopt a resolution initiating condemnation for lands needed for road and sewer purposes and if further negotiations were successful the condemnation action could be dropped. This suggestion was favored by several of the citizens present. 1:ayor Gottfried advised those present the drawbacks of that procedure and suggested the committee meet with the City Attorney and perhaps the appraiser in order that everyone could become familiar with the problems. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to the Common Council that they initiate condemnation procedures in order that lands needed for sewer and roads in the Bass Bay area -could -be acquired. Seconded --by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to establish a meeting date with City Attorney Buckley as quickly as possible. Mr. Frank Ruekert, Jr. appeared to discuss several problems relating to the Lake Denoon Sewer Project which relate to assessment policy. He advised the committee of the formula he had used to establish assess- ment for properties having 0' frontage indicating that the following four properties were involved - William Double Hellie Brodel V.F. Demshar Harriet Rice The committee authorized Frank Ruekert to establish the assessment based on the average width of lots where 0' frontage is involved. Using this formula the William Double property would be assessed at approximately 43 feet. The committee reviewed a request from Mr. Arthur Bostater for a de- ferment of the assessment on his property east of Racine Avenue. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that Mr. Bostater owns a 3-acre parcel on the west side of Racine Avenue as well as a 50' parcel and that the balance of his land is on the east side of Racine Avenue. Mayor Gottfried explained that if Mr. Bostater's request were granted he would be assessed for 110' plus the cost of the lateral which serves his present residence. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to the Common Council that Mr. Bostater be granted a deferred assessment in the amount of $ 18,360.Q6. Mayor Gottfried brought to the attention of the committee problems the treatment plant operator has with the need to empty the digester at the McShane treatment plant. He explained that Mr. Senft has not used the city's sewer a great deal and therefore has not emptied the digester as often as needed. Mr. Stanley Walters has agreed to empty the digester and spread the sludge on city -owned land in exchange for permission to use the city's sewer system to dump effluent from septic tanks. The committee noted that in the event some arrangement could not be made the city would have to pay for the removal of sludge from the treatment plant. They also noted that if the septic tank effluent were dumped into the Lake Lore holding tanks and pumped into the sewer system in off peak hours the affect on the treatment plant would be minimal. The committee agreed to authorize Mr. Stanley Walters to use the city's sewer system for the disposal of septic tank effluent with the under- standing that it be limited to 7500 gallons per week and that he agree to remove 15,000 gallons per week of sludge from the McShane plant. U 40 Public Sewer Committee September 12, 1977 - P. 2 The minutes of the August 29, 1977, meeting were reviewed along with the August 8, 1977 meeting minutes. Same placed on file. Ald. Ford requested that Mayor Gottfried invite Mr. James Kibbe and Police Chief Kraus to attend the next meeting to resolve the recurrence of vandalism to lift stations. Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:51 P.M. RT/je Respectfully submitted, Ald. Ralph Tomczyk, Acting Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee