The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8;131P.M. Also
present were Alderman Constantineau and Mayor Gottfried.
Mr. Eugene Wujcik, representing himself and Mr. -Fred Merkt, residents of
. Bay Lawn Subdivision, appeared at the meeting tb question their sewer
assessment. It was their feeling that since sewers were installed
on one side of their corner lot property that they should be assessed
only on that side, The committee advised Mr. Wujcik that it has been
the city's policy to use the formula as established in 1967, however,
the committee will contact the city engineer.regarding the accuracy
of the assessments.
Mr. Robert Stack and Mr. Peterson appeared before the committee re-
garding the possibility of providing sewers by easement to a third
lot which was part of a redivision previously approved by the Plan
Commission. The committee noted that although preliminary approval
had been given by the Plan Commission of the redivision the certified
survey map had not been completed nor approval given by the Plan
Commission or the Common Council. They advised Mr. Stack and Mr.
Peterson that once the certified survey map is finally approved they
saw no problem with providing sewer service to the third lot through
an easement.
Mr. Joseph Kelly, Mukwonago, appeared before the committee to request
sewer service for a division of four single lots on Kelly Drive.
The committee advised Mr. Kelly to present his proposal to the Plan
Commission for approval and then again bring his request"to the
Sewer Committee.
Mr. Adrian Schmidt appeared before the Committee to request sewer
service for a four -parcel division of land on an extension of Williams
Drive. The committee advised Mr. Schmidt that upon approval of a
certified survey map by the Plan Commission the committee would
approve sewer service for his proposal
Mr. Ray Gray, Rite Realty Company, appeared before the committee to
request sewer service for Guernsey Meadows Addition nl. Mr. Gray
advised the committee that the addition was part of a planned unit
development previously approved by the Plan Commission and Council.
Mr. Gray was advised that the committee is awaiting results of a
study from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the possibility of increasing
the treatment capacity of the city's two sewage treatment plants
as well as the results of the study of available capacity. Mr. Gray
was advised to appear before the committee at their July meeting at
which time the results of the study should be known.
Correspondence was reviewed from the State of Wisconsin Department
of Local Affairs and Development indicating no objections to the
Preliminary plat of Guernsey Meadows Addition ,71.
Correspondence was reviewed from Engineers Jahnke and Jahnke, rep-
resenting Dale Dawson, owner of approximately 97.5 acres of land
in the southwest corner of Section 5 The committee directed Mayor
Gottfried to advise Jahnke and Jahnke of the procedures for developing
land to be served by public sewer. -
. Mayor Gottfried reported on the status of the Lake Denoon Sewer Project.
Because of the many problems in obtaining easements for this project
the committee directed Mayor Gottfried to negotiate with property
owners involved.
Public Sewer Committee
June 20, 1977 - Page 2.
The committee discussed with Mayor Gottfried the;.present moratorium
which was established by the Common Council. and whether or not
that moratorium.should continue. Mayor Gottfried reviewed the
present city's policy of managing growth as it relates to sewer
capacity, school enrollment, traffic, state aids, etc. The committee
directed Mayor Gottfried to provide them with as much information
as possible to help them in making a decision as to whether or not
the moratorium should be liftod or continued•.,
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
carried The meeting adjourned at 10 40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie J. Constantineau, Sec'y.