The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke. Also present were
Committee members Ford and Dumke, Mayor Gottfried; Aldermen Wallner,
Pienkos and Van Lanen and Engineer John Mielke.
The committee met with several members of the Town of Norway's
Sewage Commission and their engineer, Mr. Herb Johnson and Town
of Norway Chairman Melvin Johnson.
• Town Chairman Johnson introduced the members of his commission and
asked Mayor Gottfried to indicate the purpose of the meeting. Mayor
Gottfried advised the Norway Commission that the purpose of the meet-
ing was to determine, if possible, (1) when it is anticipated that
the sewer will be operational, (2) what cost the City of Muskego must
bear of the total project as it relates to service to the city, and
(3) what the sewer charge to the residents to the Denoon area would
Mr. Johnson advised the committee that the project is ahead of
schedule and that it is anticipated the treatment system will be
operational by March of 1978. The committee was advised that the
capacity of the Norway plant was 750,000 gallons (7500 people) and
that initially 4,592 people will be using the system.
To determine what portion of the sewer project costs of the sewer
must be borne by the city it was agreed that certain ground rules
would have to be established by both communities before an agreement
can be executed. Mayor Gottfried indicated that the city is willing
to pay its just share of the over -sized sewers and/or lift stations
It was agreed that in order to come to a fair and equitable solution
the C.F.S (cubic feet per second) of anticipated sewage flow would have
to be analyzed. Mr. Mielke indicated that he has sent the engineers
for the Town of Norway the anticipated C.F.Ss based on the present
zoning on the 728 acres in the City of Muskego which will be served
by the Norway system.
Mr. Johnson indicated that there were no state or federal monies in-
volved in the over -sized sewers to serve Muskego and that he felt
some portion of the administrative costs expended over the past several
years by Norway should be included in the computation of costs.
Engineer Herb Johnson indicated that the Town of Norway would probably
want assurance that adequate inspection of the project as well as the
installation of sewer lines into the home would 'exist in order to
insure a minimum amount of infiltration.
Town Chairman Johnson of the Sewage Commission indicated that they
will discuss the formula to be used in determining the costs to be
assessed against Muskego so that their engineer, in cooperation with
the engineer from the City of Muskego, will complete their work by
the first week in July after which another joint meeting will be held.
• Discussion then centered on the anticipated sewage charge which must
be paid by the Muskego Utility. Mr. Johnson indicated that the Town
of Norway has prepared a budget for their sewer district using all
anticipated costs including operation., depreciation, interest, etc.
He further indicated that the charge could be similar to that of
Milwaukee's which is $423.00 per million gallons. It was agreed that
the city would have to review the estimated budget prior to the
signing of any agreement and further, that a comparison of anticipated
• costs vs. actual costs would determine the final charges.
Public Sewer Committee
May 16, 1977 - P. 2
At 8:52 P.M. the meeting recessed in order that the committee could
return to Muskego City Hall. The committee reconvened at 9:10 P.M,
• The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Mr. Nicholas Mastrocola, W145 57574 Durham Drive, Freedom Acres Sub-
division, appeared to protest the sewer assessment on his property.
• Mr. Mastrocola indicated that although his lot is 130 feet wide the sewer
main was installed only across a portion of his property (19 feet).
Mr. Mielke explained that the assessable total cost of the project is
based on the total width of all properties served and since he will
be served by public sewer the assessment is proper.
The committee reviewed with Mr. Mielke the revised plans for the Bass
Bay project. The committee noted that its previous recommendation to
remove the sewers from Ppllman Lane and to reduce the amount of force
main on Woods Road had been achieved. Mr. Mielke explained that the
estimated cost of sewers, using the revised plans, would be $400,000.00
as compared to $550,000.00 using the original plans. Mr. Mielke indicated
that much of the savings was a result of shallower sewers and less
The committee reviewed with Mr. Mielke the easements needed for the
Lake Denoon Project. They noted that the recommended changes made by
the committee was a result of the public meeting with residents of the
Mr. Mielke once more reviewed with the committee several,of the items
discussed previously with the Town of Norway.
The committee discussed with Mr. Mielke the possibilities of expanding
the northeast and northwest sewer plants if it were necessary. Mr.
Mielke indicated that the present quality of treatment was well above
the standards established by toe DNR and that there is still considerable
amount of capacity in the northeast plant. He indicated that the
effectiveness of the northeast plant could be increased by the use of
electrolytes. Mr. Mielke indicated that they will have some estimated
costs by the next meeting.
Mr. Mielke indicated that the capacity of the northwest sewerage
plant could be increased by the construction of another lagoon. The
size would be determined by the residential growth in the area. Mayor
Gottfried advised the committee members that it appeared that by the
end of 1978 the city's growth rate could be near zero and that if the
. city determined that some rate of growth is necessary expansion of the
two sewer systems would have to be considered.
Ald. Ford advised the committee that Mr. Fred Merkt would like to appear
at the next sewer committee meeting to discuss his assessment. He
requested that Mr. Merkt be notified when the next meeting will be held.
A communication was received from the Fountainwood Pool Association
indicating that the swimming pool is now in use.
The report from the Sewage Treatment Plant Operator for the month of
April was received and placed on file. The committee noted that the
average flow in the northeast plant was 466,000 gallops and in the
northwest plant 599,000 gallons per day.
• Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried.
The meeting adjournHd at 10:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• LJC/je Leslie J. Constantineau, Sec'y.