PSEM19770103PUBLIr ., ,y. I' MINUTE`, OF 1za,.t„fTNG d3Y_'C • meeting was called to orde-•- by Chairman Dumke at 7:35 P.M. Also present were committee members t;onstanLine au and Colburn. Also presenE were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Wallner and Pi_enkos. The committee acknowledged receipt of a letter dated January 3, 1977, from Raymond A. Wallner reque-ting that sewers be made available for the development of 100 acres of the former Loomis Farm. The request indicated that approximately 200 residential units would be constructed and that the development would conform to the present zoning and the city's Sub- division Control Ordinance. The committee reviewed with Mayor Gottfried and the other aldermen present the status of sewers now being constructed as well as those being contemplated in. the future as follows: Lake Denoon Project - The city is experiencing some problems with the execution of needed easements. It was determined that less than 50% have been signed. It was the committee's decision to hold a public Sewer Committee meeting for the express purpose of inviting those people who have not signed the sewer easement in an effort to resolve whatever problems they might have. The Town of Norway has begun construction of the sewers which will be used by the Denoon area and which could be ready • for use sometime in mid 1978. Bass Bay Project - City Attorney Buckley has been negotiating with Mrs. Kurtze for lands needed for both Kurtze Lane and sewers in an effort to arrive at an equitable solution. It is anticipated that the sewer and road project would be constructed simultaneously. The city's consulting engineers are having considerable problems with land descriptions and the layout of the needed sewer route. The committee once again indicated its support for the project with the hope that construction could begin sometime in 1978. Freedom Acres - Bay Lawn - Construction is progressing fairly well with both contractors anticipating completion within the time allotted. No major problems have been reported to the committee. The committee reviewed the proposed change in the location of the sewer traversing through the Ceille property which would connect Freedom Acres with the city's treatment system. The committee agreed that because of the problems with the beltline corridor the request by Mrs. Ceille to change the location of the sewer was reasonable. They also felt that the city should acl:cmpt to be reimbursed by Mrs. Ceille for the $1450.00 additional cost. American College - Mayor Gottfried reviewed the status of the sewers . presently being held for the American College. He indicated that they have been reminded that the use is restricted for American College students only and that construction of the classrooms must be started so that they can be built simultaneously with the dormitories. The representatives of the American College have assured the city that they understand the limitations and that they have received financing based on those limit- ations. On this premise they have been permitted to continue with their building project. Public S.:oc__ v_. - ; . January j, 1077 loge 2 Sewa j_,up !.:t.ty Study" - The city's LUnnUiLing iiia UI Ruckert & miel.ke will have a report on one success of thA r New daflia study whion Kvolved increasing the amount of chemicals used in a tr-a'_munt plant similar to that used in the City of Muskego. That report should be ready within the next two or three months. They will also have ocher suggestions as to how the city could increase capacity of the sewage treatment facillA us if it is needed. Financial Status of the Sewer. Utility_ - Mayor Gottfried indicated that the audit will. be completed in four to slx weeks, he also advised the committee that the City Treasurer will advance the Utility the funds necessary to meet its obligation to the Gereral Fund, Infiltration lnflow Study - The city has been advised that a gcaut in the amount of approximateiy $45,000.00 has been received From the iuderal. government. Ruekert & Mielke are collecting additiouai data neodud before the money is released. It is anticipated that the study should begin in the spring of 1977. .The reports from the treatment plant operators were reviewed and placed on file. The city acknowledged receipt of correspondence from Mr. Rene Masch and Mr.. Julius Wietzer indicating their wishes regarding extension of sewers on McShane Drive to serve their properties. Mr. Masch indicated that they did want to be a part of the sewer district only if vacant land owned by them is included. Mr. Wietzer indicated that he did not want to be part of the sewer district. It was the decision of the Committee not to recommend to the Common Council extension of sgw"ers on McShane Drive to serve these residences. Correspondence was received from the Metropolitan Sewage Commission indicating that the commission had adopted a resolution establishing a rate of $44.00 per hr. plus a fixed charge of $61.00 for asbilts to those communities within the Metropolitan Sewage District who are engaged in performing its own inspections. The letter also indicated approval of a rate of $26.00 per hr. effective January 1, 1977, for inspection service to the municipalities within the sewage district. Mayor Gottfried indicated that the city's asbilts are drawn by onr consulting engineers at a considerable savings to the Utility and that the city does .its own inspection. He indicated that the only time we get involved with the Metropolitan Sewage District was when final approval of the sewers arc required which will then involve the $26.00 per hr. fee. He indir-itec'. that those fees are then charged back to the developer. Considerable discussion was held relati.vc to M d. Colhurn's 6u� .,1011 that the Sewer Committee request the Welfare Conwirtce L„ serioon ; review the city's policy on holding tanks. Tn the discussion it- was agreed that any limitations should only affect iew coAscructioo ooc 00L existing residences. The prob!.Kq of proYfera—un of boNi.ny Larks `.0 the city was considered along with its many ram_FicW ons. 1"0 ..,wA_L'ee agreed that it was a subject matter chat needed rcvlwo. AN. r,o "r ni indicated he would bring the warLa, qn Lhe ❑vr„nl io" — the Uc' Committee c r its nu:" wr c i np. Ald. Dlmlk,_ moved to avino -n, _.,•� i,��;_,.ci I.;� ri carried. "to W:_c :, , CCC/ju \ \ n., I an—' ra. , ", Ruspect'fully sunmitted, ..iia ci, to eC'y.