The meeting was called to order by Ald. Colburn at 7:30 P.M. Also
present were Ald. Constantineau, Pienkos and Wallner and Mayor
The committee reviewed sewer reports from Sewer Treatment P1antOperator
James Kibbe, for the northwest and northeast sewage -treatment plants.
• Same placed on file.
The committee reviewed the request from Wimmer-Blatter to install
sewer connections on Fairfield Ct. for the following properties:
Neomie Danes S76 W13332 Fairfield Ct. (One connection)
Paul Beardsley S76 W13368 Fairfield Ct. (Two connections)
The committee noted that the properties involved front on Ladwig
Drive and would not normally be served by public sewers for many years.
They also noted that because of the sub -soil it was very likely that
problems either existed or could develop in the near future with
their present private sewage facilities. Ald. Colburn moved to
approve the request, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried.
The committee acknowledged receipt of a copy of a letter from Ruekert
and Mielke to the DNR regarding our grant application for the develop-
ment of a facilities plan. The correspondence indicated willingness
to conform to several requirements of the DNR.
The committee acknowledged receipt of a letter from the DNR approving
the installation of sewers on College Ct. (Tess Corners Industrial Park)
The committee discussed the status of Resolution #235-75, Declaring a
Moratorium on Major Developments in the Northeast and Northwest Sewer
Districts. It was the committee's opinion that because of the small
amount of rainfall a true'determination of sewage flows could not be
made. They also felt that the possibility of expanding the capacity
of the city's sewage treatment plants should wait for the report from
Ruekert & Mielke. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Common
Council extension of the present building moratorium until July 1, 1977.
Seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried.
The committee discussed at great length the financial status of the
city's sewer utility and what could be done to improve it. Mayor
Gottfried pointed out that the utility owes the City of Muskego a
considerable amount of money and that with the money placed in the
1976 and 1977 budget there could be a deficiency of approximately
$100,000.00. He indicated that the city's financial consultants
have recommended a sewer availability charge of $750.00 which would
be increased yearly. Considerable discussion took place regarding
the matter including whether or not the availability charge should be
reduced and the present sewer service fee increased to $84.00 per year.
Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Common Council that the city's sewer
service charge ordinance be amended to add a section requiring a $500.00
sewer availability charge on all new residences, business and industrial
buildings if they have not personally paid a sewer assessment. The
motion lost for lack of a second. It was the decision of the committee
to'se d the matter to the Council without recommendation.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion
carried.\ The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
\. Charles C. Colburn, Sec' y.