PSEM19760920•- -
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:30 P.M.
Present were committee members Constantineau and Colburn. Also present
were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Wallner and Ford,
Mr. David Cunningham and Mr. William Shepard, representing Wildflower
Development, appeared to discuss with the committee Res. #148-76 regarding
the number of sewer connections they will be permitted. Mr. Cunningham
indicated that their present plans included 40 single family lots, 42
apartments and 44 zero lot line units. Mr. Cunningham indicated that
they did anticipate that the development would take approximately 24
months and further requested that they be given some flexibility in
the number Of apartments and zero lot line units. Chairman Dumke
reminded Mr. Cunningham that the city will require curb and gutter
and that he would have to conform to all the requirements of the Land
Division Ordinance of the City. Chairman Dumke also expressed concern
over the storm water which could come from the area suggesting that
a storm sewer along Richdorf Drive might help to alleviate the problem.
Mr. Cunningham agreed to consider the suggestions. Ald. Constantineau
moved to recommend to the Common Council adoption of Resolution #148-76
which would be amended to increase the number of permitted connections
from 64 to 126. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
0Mr. John Mielke, Consulting Engineer for the City of Muskego, discussed
with those present the status of the Lake Denoon Sewer Project. He
answered several questions from the audience regarding right-of-way,
methods of assessment, depth of sewer and what kind of restoration
would be made over the easement area. Chairman Dumke pointed out
that the Denoon sewer project depended a great deal upon the execution
of the easements and that if everything progressed as anticipated
connection to the sewer system could be possible in 1978. The property
owners present were asked to execute the easements as quickly as
possible. Chairman Dumke advised those,present that a notary was
available to notarize their signatures.
Mr. Elmer Tinti appeared to request sewers for a four parcel division
at the end of Sunnyhill Drive. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend Council
approval. Seconded by Ald. Council, motion carried.
Mr. Mielke reviewed with the committee plans for the Freedom Acres and
Bay Lawn Sewer Project. Ald. Constantineau moved to recommend approval
of the project. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried, Mayor Gottfried
was directed to set the date of the public hearing.
�e committee reviewed with John Mielke a contract between themselves
and the City of Muskego regarding engineering services for the con-
struction of an interceptor sewer and the required inflow infiltration
analysis. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend approval of the agreement
subject to review by the city attorney. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau,
motion carried.'
The August report of the spca e treatment plant operator was received
and placed on file.
Public Sewer
September 20, 1976
Page 2.
Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee the report on the financial
status of the sewer utility district prepared by Ehlers & Associates. The
report indicated that in order �o meet the obligations established by
Ordinance #128 and Ordinance #260 additional revenue to the district
must be found. The report recommended that the city consider a sewer
availability charge ranging from $500.00 to $860.00. Mayor Gottfried
advised the committee that the study indicated there were insufficient
funds to provide adequate depreciation and further there were in-
sufficient funds to repay the city for monies advanced in order that
non -assessable costs could be provided. He indicated that possible
solutions were an increase in the sewer usage charge, the re -financing
of the city's portion of the non -assessable costs, the adoption of a
sewer connection charge and the possibility of having the entire city
pay for the non -assessable cost of sewers. Following a discussion
involving the pros and cons of each possible solution the committee
agreed that additional revenues to the utility district were necessary.
They further agreed that the city's financial consultant should be
contacted to recommend the best procedure for refinancing the utility's
existing debt to the city. They further agreed to direct the city
attorney to draft an ordinance providing for a sewer connection charge
for all new residences being built in the city.
• Ald. Ford expressed to the committee his concern regarding the potential
excessive growth which could take place in the Town of Norway and
around the Lake Denoon area as a result of sewers being planned for
thatarea. He suggested that the Council meet with the representatives
of the Town of Norway to express that concern and to determine what
steps, if any, the Town of Norway is planning to control the growth.
It was agreed by the committee that the suggested meeting would be
valuable both to the City of Muskego and the Town of Norway, however,
they felt it should not take place until after the results of the bids
for the sewer have been received by the Town of Norway.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles C. Colburn, Secretary
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