PSEM19760719• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD my 19, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:30 P.M. Also present were committee members Constantineau and Colburn, Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen Wallner, Pienkos and Schaumberg. A number of Lake Denoon residents appeared to discuss with the committee the status of the Lake Denoon sewer project. Mayor Gott- fried explained the need for easements from many of the property owners. He also advised them that they would like the easements executed by the end of September, 1976, and that they would be invited to another meeting solely for that purpose. Ald. Dumke advised those present that it is anticipated that construction of sewers around Lake Denoon would commence in the latter part of 1977 in order to be ready for connection to the Town of Norway sewer system when that project is completed. Several questions were raised regarding the placement of the easements, assessment costs, sewer usage fees and whether or not the city plans to have auxiliary power available in the event of electrical bio,(�I outs. Other questions included proposed zoning after sewers have been installed, depth of the sewers, potential growth • in the area, the need to expand the initial project to include other lands in the area, etc. It was the consensus of the committee members that there appeared to be no major objections from the people present over the proposed sewer project. A group of residents from the Bass Bay area also appeared at the meeting to discuss the status for the proposed sewers for their area. Chairman Dumke advised those present that because of the problems of sewer capacity and the question of what is to happen to some of the residences on Kurtze Lane which would probably have to be removed, the committee had decided not to go any further until a greater number of people in the area could be heard from. Several questions were raised including whether or not all the houses on Kurtze Lane could be saved, what the lot sizes would have to be, what the cost will be and where will the treatment take place? The committee discussed the capacity of the present treatment system and it was agreed that a determination should be made as to whether or not the DNR would be receptive to the construction of a larger and more effective treatment plant which would be used to serve the northwest sewer district. The committee agreed to contact the Waukesha County Health Department to advise them of the city's efforts to provide municipal sewers to • the Bass Bay area. An informal vote by those present from the Bass Bay area indicated that the vast majority wanted public sewers. Mr. David Cunningham and Mr. Ace Bernstein appeared at the meeting to discuss with the committee their request for 126 hookups to the municipal sewer system for their Wildflower Planned Unit Development. The committee discussed with them the planned unit development pre- viously approved by the Plan Commission and Council and were shown a possible change in that planned unit development to single family development. Mr. Cunningham was advised that if they chose to change the concept of the previously approved planned unit development it would require approval by the Plan Commission as well as the Council. • Public Sewer Committee July 19, 1976 Page 2. Mr. Cunningham indicated that since they would hope to begin planning of the development in the very near future they would continue on with their original plans. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Council that a grant to the developers of the Wildfl-ower Planned Unit Development for sewer hookups for single family lots #1 thru 40 and one (1) 24-family apartment to be located on Lot #112. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried with Aid. Constantineau voting "no". Mr. and Mrs. Warren appeared at the meeting to discuss with the committee the possibility of developing seven (7) acres of land opposite the Clark gas station on S.T.H. 24. They were advised that some sewer capacity might be available to them since Freedom Square Phase IV (Parkland) has defaulted on their project, however, it would depend upon the quality of the development and the kind of density they would request. They were advised that prior to any decision by the Sewer Committee an approved plan by the Plan Commission would be required. • The committee reviewed a report from Building Inspector Lee regarding four (4) residents which have not made the necessary connection to the city's sewer system. Ald. ConsCantineau moved to recommend to the Common Council that the Public Sewer Committee be authorized to have plans and specifications prepared and advertised for bids in order that the necessary hookups can be made. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. The committee reviewed the status of the Freedom Acres sewers and noted that the city is awaiting a decision from the developer in order that the final plans can be prepared. Ald. Dumke moved to authorize the city's consulting engineers to update their last study of the capacity and quality of treatment of the city's two sewage treatment facilities. Seconded by Ald. Con- stantineau, motion carried. The June, 1976, report of the city's sewage treatment plant operator was received and placed on file. The committee deferred to its next meeting the consideration of a need for instituting a sewer hookup charge. • The meeting adjourned at 10.30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles C. Colburn, See'y. Public Sewer Committee je