PSEM197605170 PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 17, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Aldermen Colburn, Constantineau, Wallner and Pienkos, • Mayor Gottfried and Gerald Lee. Approximately 40 residents of the Bay Lawn Subdivision appeared at the meeting for the purpose of discussing sewer service to that subdivision. Mr. John Mielke, the city's consulting engineer, provided the committee with an update of estimated costs for pro- viding sanitary sewers to Freedom Acres and Bay Lawn Subdivisions. He advised the committee that it is estimated that construction costs would total approximately $581,000.00 of which $319,000.00 would be assessable. He also advised the committee that the intV. ceptor needed to connect to the Milwaukee Metropolitan sewer sy;�tem would be relocated to the southern edge of Bay Lawn Subdivision.? Mr. Mielke answered several questions from residents of the area relating to the depth of the sewer, what affect the project would have on their water supply, access to their homes, how long the project would take and the reason for the estimated $15.00 per lineal foot assessment cost. After listening to several residents of the area discuss the pros and cons of the proposed project it was the decision of the committee to send a letter to all landowners within the subdivision who would be affected by the sewers asking them to indicate their wishes in the matter. It was agreed that the committee would meet at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, May 24, 1976, to count the ballots. Mr. Mielke discussed with the committee the estimated costs for extending sewers west on Wentland Drive to Hillendale Drive. He advised the committee that the total cost was approximately $28,848.00 and that $22,890.00 was assessable. Mr. Mielke also advised the committee that because of the topography of the lands on the south side of Wentland Drive a 30' easement along Wentland Drive would be required in order to provide adequate drainage and that the lots on the south side of Wentland Drive have a 10 to 14 per cent grade and would appear unbuildable unless special consideration were given to the architecture of each home. In considering the petition for the sewers the committee noted that • it would open up new lands for development'which is contrary to a resolution adopted by the Common Council. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Common Council that the request to extend sewer west on Wentland Dr. be denied. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried. Mr. Mielke discussed with the committee the status of the Linnie Lac sewer project. He indicated that construction should begin June 1st. The committee advised Mr. Mielke that they had established a unit price for each of the buildable lots along Gold Drive in the amount of $1,331.00 plus the cost of the lateral. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Mr. and Mrs. Aldy Brunette to determine whether or not they wish to be provided with sewers. Mr. Mielke will contact the City of New Berlin regarding the city's decision in this matter. Public Sewer Committee May 17, 1976 - P. 2 Mr. Mielke discussed with the committee the status of the Lake Denoon sewers. He pointed out that the Town of Norway now has sufficient • monies committed by the necessary State and Federal agencies. However, the DNR has asked for a redesigning of the treatment plant which could delay the project for a few months. The town of Norway engineers estimate that the project will take two years to complete. In answer to questions from Mr. Harold DeBack and Mr. Rene Steckel Mr. Mielke thought that the city's sewer project could begin sometime in 1977. It was pointed out to the committee that there are several problems still to be resolved including the necessary easements and the need to negotiate service charges with the Town of Norway. The committee discussed with Mr. Mielke the infiltration inflow problem the city is experiencing. Mr. Lee advised the committee that they had uncovered a violation regarding improper connection of sump pumps. He was directed to contact the violator and demand correction within five days. Mr. Mielke was directed to provide the committee • with an estimate of the cost of locating points of infiltration in the city sewer system as well as the cost of an infiltration inflow study. Mr. and Mrs. Paul appeared to request sewers for lands owned by them south of Highway 24. They were advised that because of the city's moratorium that no action could be taken until a capacity study was updated by the committee. It was anticipated that this would take place some time in July. Mr. and Mrs. Paul indicated they would come back after the moratorium had been settled by the Council. The question. of sewer inspection charges was deferred until the next meeting. Discussion on the request for sewers in the Bass Bay area was deferred until the next meeting. Mr. Lee advised the committee that Mr. Watson and Mr. Shields and Mr. and Mrs. Schill still were not connected to the city's sewer system. Ald. Dumke moved to advise the parties involved that if they are not hooked up to the city's sewer system by July 1, 1976, the city would have the work done and place the cost on the tax roll. • Ald. Dumke discussed with the committee a sewer problem experienced by Hillside Tavern. Mr. Lee indicated that they are proceeding with plans to install a holding tank. Ald. Colburn requested that the Sewer Committee consider recommending to the Public Welfare Committee a restriction to permit holding tanks to existing buildings only. No action was taken. Ald. Colburn moved to authorize the release of the $500.00 being held by the city to the Leo Dretzka Co. for the completion of the Highway 24 sewer project. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Charles C. Colburn, Sec'y. Public Sewer Conmiittteeee CCC/je