The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also
present were committee members Colburn and Ford, Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen
Schaumberg, Knudsen and Wallner and Alderman -elect Pienkos.
A group of residents from Bay Lawn Subdivision (attendance list attached)
10 appeared to discuss with the committee the plans for providing municipal
sewers to Bay Lawn Subdivision. Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the audience
the increased interest by the Waukesha County Health Department in the
inadequacies of onsite absorption fields in the subdivision. He pointed
out that one resident has already received notice that his septic system
is inoperative and that very likely notices would be sent to other residents
in the area. It was pointed out that as a result of the increased interest
by the Waukesha County Health Department Alderman Schaumberg invited the
residents of the subdivision to discuss the possibility of sewering their
area. Mayor Gottfried explained the several options available (1) wait
for metropolitan sewers which could be as late as 1985, (2) the installation
of a sewer immediately to serve the area. He pointed out that Freedom Acres
would be sewered during 1976 and that the city must know the wishes of
the residents of the subdivision in order to be able to provide sewer
•service to them. Mayor Gottfried also advised the audience that it is
quite possible that the 25% State funding would not be available after
1976 which could then increase the cost of the sewers to the residents of
the city. He also indicated that the city was willing to consider the
development of the balance of the Ceille property which could help reduce
the cost of sewering the area. Several questions raised by people in the
audience involved depth of the sewers, how many homes have been affected
by the County Health Department's inspection, the cost of the sewers,
capacity of the McShane plant, access to residents while construction is
in progress, the possible problems with the shallow wells in the area and
the length of time it would take to install the sewers. At the request
of several people in the audience a vote was taken to determine whether
or not the city should authorize its engineering firm to try and answer
some of the questions raised. It was pointed out that a "yes" vote
would be an indication that the people favored sewering the area. A show
of hands was taken indicating that 100% of those present were in favor of
the study.
The committee then discussed with Messrs. Millious, Scherper and Burnette
the plans to construct a sewer along Gold Drive which will be serving the
Linnie Lac area in the City of New Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Burnette stated
that although they do not have direct access to Gold Drive they might be
willing to connect into the sewer system if they can afford it. The
committee considered the suggestion from the City of New Berlin that
Muskego pay half of the cost of installing sewers on Gold Drive or
approximately $9,000.00. It was noted that our agreement with New Berlin
provided that the total cost would be paid for by New Berlin, however, it
was agreed that assessment to benefiting property owners would be proper.
It was decided to advise the City of New Berlin that based on the cost of
the Lembezeder Drive Sewer Project and the zoming in the area, which requires
110 feet frontage, that the city would be willing to pay a per unit cost
• of $1,331.00 per lot plus laterals.
Mr. Robert Mannigan, owner of a building housing a beauty shop, tavern and
residence, appeared to determine whether or not the city would be willing to
accept sewage from his building if he could make the necessary arrangements
with the City of New Berlin. Mr. Mandgan was advised that he would be
responsible for all costs in the event the necessary agreements with New
Berlin could be made. Ald. Ford moved to advise the City of New Berlin that
the committee would be willing to cooperate in order that sewers could be
provided for Mr. Mannigan. Seconded by A1d, Dumke, motion carried.
Public Sewer Committee
•April 19, 1976
Page 2.
Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that Ruekert & Mielke had not
reported on the request for sewers along Wentland Drive.
Mr. Robert G u neXm an representing Hoffman, Polzin & Associates,
appeared to discuss a development of the Ceille property and their
• request for sewers. The committee discussed with Mr. 1Gunerman the
need to go before the Plan Commission and for approval of any proposed
subdivision. Ald Ford moved to advise Mrs. Ceille that the Sewer
Committee would be willing to provide sewers to the Ceille property in
order to facilitate our plans for sewer service to Freedom Acres and
Bay Lawn Subdivisions subject to the approval of all plans and specifi-
cations by the Plan Commission and Public Works Committee. Seconded
by Ald. Colburn, motion carried.
The committee discussed the request of the owners of Muskego Lakes
Country Club that the city negotiate with the City of Franklin about
the feasibility of connecting into the Franklin sewer system. Ald. Ford
moved to advise Mr. Scott Krause that it is the committee's desire not
to participate in a forced main sewer hookup with the City of Franklin
• as proposed by Mr. Krause. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried.
A review of sewer inspection charges was deferred until the next
The committee discussed Mr. Smukowski's request to use the city's sewer
system for perm ping holding tank effluent. Mayor Gottfried advised the
committee that according to a recent report the Milwaukee Metropolitan
charge to private haulers was .20C per 1,000 gallons plus $1.00 inspection
fee and not $65.00 per load as was originally reported. Mayor Gottfried
was directed to contact Mr. Joseph Smukowski regarding these latest
The committee reviewed the report from the City Clerk's office regarding
the Rosecky residence. Ald. Colburn moved to bill the Roseckys for the
sewer service charge not previously collected from September, 1972 to
the present. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried.
The committee reviewed the bids for the phosphate removal system for the
northwest treatment plant. The following bids were received:
Brenner Corporation $249741.00
• Fritz Plumbing 262993.00
E. D. Wesley Co. 18,580.00
Illingworth Corporation 170962.00
Frahm Construction Co. 182481.00
Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to the Common Council that they accept the
low bid of Illingworth Corporation in the amount of $17,962.00. Seconded
by Ald. Colburn, motion carried.
Mayor Gottfried discussed with the committee the status of Mr. John
• Krahling who was previous hired to work part time for the Sewer Utility
and part time as a weed harvester. He pointed out that Mr. Krahling
\is now a certified sewerage treatment plant operator and in order to
protect the city in the event of illness of Mr. Kibbe that the position
of Assistant Sewerage Treatment Plant Operator be created at the
following salary:
6 Months
18 Months
Public Sewer Committee
April 19, 1976
Page 3.
Ald. Colburn moved to recommend approval of the creation of the position
of Assistant Sewerage Treatment Plant Operator. Seconded by Ald. Ford,
motion carried.
Mayor Gottfried reported that Ruekert & Mielke is still working with the
Town of Norway's engineers regarding the proposed sewers for Lake Denoon.
The committee discussed the need for a sewer hookup charge. Mayor Gottfried
was directed to provide the necessary data to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance
Committee for the development of a new ordinance establishing a sewer
hookup charge.
A letter from the President of the Bass Bay Improvement Association was
received and placed on file.
The March, 1976, reports of the city's Sewerage Treatment Plant Operator
was received and placed on file.
The communication from the Building Inspection Office directed to Troy
• Plumbing was received and placed on file.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles C. Colburn, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee
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