PSEM19760119PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE m CITY OF MUSKEGO 0MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:10 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Colburn, Ford, Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Foldy, Wallner and Knudsen, City Attorney John Buckley and consulting engineer John Mielke. Several other citizens were present as indicated on the attached attendance sheet. '&Mr. Sam Lawent, representing the developers of Freedom Square IV, appeared with his engineer, William Paschke, to discuss the status of their development. Mr. Lawent submitted to the committee copies of letters from the State of Wisconsin indicating they had received approval for sewer and water in their proposed development. He advised the committee - that he has also received site plan approval from the city's Plan Commission and Council and has applied for FHA funding which could be forthcoming within 120 days. The committee advised Mr. Lawent that 'bec.ise of the limited capacity of our sewer system unless construction begins within a reasonable time they would have no alternative but to use the capacity presently being held for him for another development. Mr. Lawent agreed to provide the committee with a letter of commitment stating that construction of the necessary improvements would begin on or before July 1, 1976. He will also advise the committee that *n the event this did not occur he understood that his claim for municipal sewers would be forfeited". Ald. Colburn moved to grant Mr. Sam Lawent until July 1, 1976, to start his project. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. Mr. John Mielke reviewed with the committee and members of the Bass Bay Lake Association his report on the possibilities of providing sewers to the north and northwest shores of Bass Bay. He reminded the committee that the report was very preliminary because of the many problems with private roads and the determination of assessment rates. Aldermen Knudsen and Ford and Mayor Gottfried will appear at their meeting on Tuesday, January 20th to answer questions regarding the report. Mr. Mielke advised the committee that the State has not acted upon our proposal for the removal of phosphates from the northwest treatment plant. He indicated that the State has assured him action will be taken by the end of the week of January 27th. Mr. David Cunningham, representing the proposed Wildflower development, appeared once again regarding their request for sewers and the possibility of approval of a holding tank to be used during excessively wet weather. The committee discussed the merits of the proposal with Mr. Mielke who ndicated that although it would be engineering feasible other problems such as costs, control, etc. must be taken into consideration. The committee indicated they would be very reluctant to recommend approval of such a proposal. Mr. Scott Krause, representing Muskego Lakes Country Club, appeared regarding his request that the Council authorize negotiations with the .City of Franklin for a feasibility study on his proposal to connect into the City of Franklin sewage system. It was the decision of the committee to meet with representatives of the City of Franklin to discuss the matter in detail. All aldermen will be invited to the meeting. 0 Public Sewer Committee 1/19/76 - Page 2 • The problem of sewage backup into the Devlin residence in Pioneer Center was discussed with Mr. Mielke. He indicated that the main interceptor was 10' below the sewer line entering her basement and that the problem occured because of the insufficient amount of sewage generating from the Pioneer Center development. He indicated that in the event the pumps at the pumping station became inoperative it would take 80 minutes to fill the line which could then cause sewage backup. •Ald.' Foldy suggested that a baffle might be placed in the line to assure continuous flow. Mr. Mielke will look into the matter and report back to the committee. Mayor Gottfried was directed to correspond with Mrs. Devlin regarding the matter. The committee reviewed sewer utility reports for the month of December as submitted by James Kibbe. The reports indicated that at the northeast treatment plant flows ranged from a high of 340,000 gals. per day to a low of 250,000 gals. per day and the average flow into the sewage lagoons at the northwest plant averaged 563,000 gals. per day. He also indicated that the quality of treatment other than phosphate removal in the oxidation lagoons was considerably lower than the limits established by the DNR. The Sewer Committee acknowledged receipt of a petition for sewers from several landowners on Wentland Drive. The committee explained to Mr. Robert Krueck that the present policy of the city established by the Common Council does not encourage the extension of sewers for the purpose of opening vacant land for development. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the sewer utility is in need of a vehicle. Mr. Bertram will be directed to present estimated cost figures. A communication was received from Tomasini Contractors requesting extra payment for sewers they installed on Lembezeder Drive along with a letter from the city's consulting engineers recommending denial. Ald. Dumke moved to deny the claim. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. A communication was received from John Mielke regarding Clarence Froelich's assessment on Lembezeder Drive. Mayor Gottfried was directed to send Ruekert & Mielke's findings to Mr. Froelich. Mr. William Reeder appeared at the meeting to request sewers for Pioneer Center - Phase II. The committee will await the State's decision on our request for phosphate removal in the oxidation lagoons prior to making a decision. iA communication was received from American College indicating they are ready to proceed with the building program Rzeyiously approved by the Common Council. Mr. Gordon Drake of the American College will be invited to our next meeting to discuss the matter. A discussion was held relative to the adequacy of our present city's sewer inspection charges. Mayor Gottfried was directed to submit a cost analysis by the next meeting. • Mayor Gottfried requested the committee to consider paying mileage to its sewer inspectors. Ald. Ford moved to pay Mr. Gerald Heinz 124�, per mile the same as presently paid to Mr. Footland for mileage traveled • while performing his duties. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. Public Sewer Committee 1/19/76 - Page 3. A communication was received from Deputy Inspector William Robb regarding two residences which have not connected into the city's sewer system. Discussion on this matter was deferred until the next committee meeting. John Mielke discussed with the committee the basement flooding problem of Mrs. Rabay on Lentini Drive. He indicated that since the homes • on either side of Mrs. Rabay do not have the same problem it was possible that there was a field tile broken in that vicinity. He indicated that if the tiles could be located a dye test could be taken during wet weather to isolate the problem. 0 Mr. Mielke also advised the committee of problems experienced in the northeast sewer system with debris being deposited in the sewers. He suggested that closer supervision be imposed during the construction of homes in the area. The committee discussed at length Mr. Wallner's letter dated December 15, 1975, regarding his request for municipal sewers to serve approximately 100 acres owned by him and adjacent to the city's industrial park. :The letter requested that the city's position on his request for sanitary sewers be indicated in writing. Ald. Colburn reviewed for the committee the history of the property in question from May 8, 1969, to December 15, 1975. Ald. Ford moved to send a letter to Mr. Wallner pointing out that the Sewer Committee had previously recommended that sewer service be provided for 15 acres of land and that this recommendation was denied by the Common Council and that prior to any further recommendation by the Sewer Committee a development plan approved by the Plan Commission was necessary. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles C. Colburn, Sec'y. Publix Committ je