PSEM19751215I PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 15, 1975 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:00 P.M. Also present were Committee members Ford and Colburn and Mayor Gottfried. Mr. John Mielke was also present at the meeting, The committee received a request from Mr, James Kibbe to have John Krahling attend a school for sewer treatment plant operators to prepare him for certification. Ald. Colburn moved to grant said request, Seconded • by A1d. Ford, motion carried, A request was received from Mr. Thomas Schmechel, owner of Lots 6 and 7, Mill Valley Heights Subdivision, for a refund on an unused sewer lateral. Mayor Gottfried was directed to determine if the request met the criteria which had previously been established and, if so, to take the action necessary for the refund. The committee reviewed Mr, Clarence Froelich's request for a sewer deferment in the amount of $15,631.61. The committee reviewed the ordinance relating to sewer assessment deferments to determine whether or not Mr. Froelich is eligible. On the basis of their review Ald. Ford moved to recommend Council approval of Mr. Froelich's request. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. • The request of Mr. William Reeder for permission to connect into the city's sewer system in order that Phase II of Pioneer Center could be constructed was discussed. 'It was noted by the committee that a moratorium had been established by the city. A communication from Attorney Buckley's office which indicated that the city probably had no legal obligation to permit the request was also reviewed. Further discussion on this matter was deferred to give the city's engineer, John Mielke,an opportunity to present several reports. Mr. Mielke advised the committee that he had submitted plans for approval by the state that would reduce the phosphate content of the northwest treatment facility to 1 or less, He indicated that we could expect to hear from the state in early January. Mr. Mielke also reviewed with the committee the two alternates for providing sewers to Freedom Acres, one along Ryan Road and the other through the Ceille property, He also provided the committee with a report on how sewers could be made available to much of the Bass Bay area from Ladwig Drive west to Lannon Drive, He pointed out that in his opinion the cost was prohibitive and not very practical. Mr. Mielke discussed with the committee the problem his firm is having .with developers who request professional services for developments they might be planning in the City of Muskego. He expressed the feeling that the city should be reimbursed for any services given to the developers. Discussion was held as to the possibility of having planners, developers, engineers, etc. post a bond to assure payment for services received. The matter will be discussed at the next meeting. On the basis of Mr. Mielke's report, Ald. Ford moved to defer action on the request for sewers for Pioneer Center until January. Seconded by • Ald, Colburn, motion carried, Public Sewer Committee 12/15/75 - Page 2. • Mr. Robert Gunnerman, representing Mrs. Ceille, will be invited to the next meeting to discuss development of the balance of the Freedom Acres Subdivision. The directors of the Bass Bay Homeowners Association will be invited to the Jamuary meeting to discuss Mr. Mielke's report with them. •Development of the balance of Parkland planned unit development (Freedom Square IV) was discussed along with a letter from Mr. Buckley regarding the city's application to hold sewers for the development. Mr. Buckley will be invited to our next Sewer Committee meeting to further discuss the matter. The developers of the proposed Wildflower development dis- cussed briefly their request to connect into the city's sewer system. They were invited to attend the January meeting if they wanted to pursue the matter. Mrs. Judy Devlin advised the committee that she continually has sewage backing up into her basement after large rainfalls particularly in spring. John Mielke will review the matter and report back at the January meeting. Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the committee to discuss his request that the Council adopt a resolution indicating its willingness to . negotiate with the City of Franklin the possible construction of a force main to serve the country club property. Mr. Krause presented the committee with a report concerning the feasibility of developing lands surrounding Muskego Lakes Country Club. Chairman Dumke reported to the committee the results of a meeting held with City of Franklin officials. It was the committee's feeling that prior to any specific action by the Council they should have some idea of what the density would be, what kind of housing and other information under the planned unit development. It was further the committee's opinion that this matter is the respon- sibility of the Plan Commission. It was the decision of the committee to informally discuss the matter once again with officials of the City of Franklin. A letter was received from Mr, Ray Wallner requesting that the city grant access to the sanitary sewers for the former Loomis property, about 100 acres. The committee will review the matter and formulate an answer at its January meeting. Ald. Colburn moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. 0 CCC/je 10 Respectfully submitted, Charles C. Colburn, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee