The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:15 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Colburn, Ford and Wallner, Building Inspector
Lee and Mayor Gottfried.
Also in attendance were Mr. Scott Krause, owner of Muskego Lakes Country
Club and representatives of the proposed Wildflower Development.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Ald. Raymond;Wallner requested sewer service for property owned by him
on Racine Avenue.
Mr. Averill of the firm of Johnson Averill appeared at the meeting to
discuss with the committee the proposed holding tank for the Wildflower
Development. The committee reviewed John Mielke's letter in which he
indicated the proposal was feasible. However, it was the opinion of the
committee that because of'the adoption of the moratorium by the Common
Council durther discussion of the project at this time was academic.
Mr. Bob Gunnerman of Hof fman-Polzin appeared at the meeting representing
Mrs. Ceille to discuss with the committee the possibility of developing
• a 43 unit subdivision adjacent to Freedom Acres Subdivision. The
committee noted that the present plans are to serve Freedom Acres through
an interceptor crossing the Ceille property. The city's consulting
engineers will be asked to give cost comparisons between running the
sewer around the C:eille property as compared to that of going through it.
Mr. Kit Kuokkanen of Relocation Realty Co. appeared to discuss the
possibility of developing a portion of land south of the intersection
of Highway 24 and Lions Park Drive. He pointed out that the present
zoning is RSM. Mr. Kuokkanen was advised that there is no sewer capacity
available for developments and that a moratorium has been declared by
the Council.
Mr. William Reeder appeared to request that he be permitted to use the
city's sewer system for 24 one -bedroom apartments which is part of
Pioneer Centre planned unit development. The committee directed Mayor
Gottfried to seek an opinion from the city attorney to determine whether
or not Phase II of Pioneer Centre which would be developed by Mr. Reeder
is controlled by the adoption of Resolution #235-75 declaring a moratorium.
Mr. Scott Krause of Muskego Lakes Country Club appeared to discuss with
the committee his request that they recommend to the Common Council the
approval of a proposed feasibility study by the City of Franklin
Engineering Department to determine the possibility of a forced main being
installed along Highway "00" to serve lands owned by the Muskego Lakes
Country Club. It was the committee's decision that prior to any indepth
discussion on the matter and prior'to any recommendation to the Council
a report from Mr. Krause:'.s engineer should be submitted to the committee
for their review.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles C. Colburn, Sec'y.
Public Sewer-Committ ee
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