PSEM19751006PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 6, 1975 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:30 A.M. Also present were Aldermen Colburn, Ford and Wallner and Mayor Gottfried. Also appearing were representatives of proposed Wildflower Development, David Cunningham, and a Johnson-Averill & Associates representative and Ray Gray representing Rite Realty. Ray Wallner again requested sewer service for property owned by him on Racine Avenue. The following bids were received and reviewed for the remaining forced hookups in the "G" and "H" Districts: John Lang Ed Zidar W124 S6374 Hawthorne Drive 'r $ 2,450.00 S68 W12949 Camilla Drive $ 1,714.00 2,733.00 S69 W14105 Tess Corners Drive 625.00 1,280.00 S76 W19666 Prospect Drive 715.00 861.00 Ald. Ford moved to recommend Council approval of the low bids of John Lang to make the necessary connections to the city's sewer system. Second- ed by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that Mr. Hacker has chosen to pay the contractor directly rather than • having it placed on his tax bill. Communication received from Mr. Scott Krause of Muskego Lakes Country Club was reviewed. Mr. Krause will be invited to the next Sewer Committee meeting to discuss his proposal for sewers. A communication from kuekert & Mielke advised the committee that the proposed plans for sewer and water for Kristin Downs Subdivision have been approved. Letter placed on file. The committee discussed the progress of plans to provide sewers for Freedom Acres Subdivision. Mayor Gottfried explained that final specifications cannot be drafted until contact by Mrs. Ceille has been made with the city Plan Commission. Ald. Ford moved to contact the Waukesha County Health Department regard- ing any information they have on septic system violations in Bay Lawn Subdivision. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Communication was received from the City Clerk relating to monies owed the city by Wm. Kilps & Sons for sewer inspections and plan review. Same placed on file. Communication was received from Ruekert & Mielke regarding a proposal by the developers of Wildflower Subdivision to construct a sanitary • sewage storage and disposal program. A copy of the communication will be sect to the engineering firm of Johnson & Averill & Associates. The committee reviewed the January 1st and July 1st, 1975, reports of the engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke as well as the Mayor's report on the sewage capacity available in the northwest and northeast treatment plants. Both reports from Ruekert & Mielke indicated that at the present time the facilities are capable of meeting the discharged effluent limi- tations established by the DNR and at no time has the weekly maximum of BOD or suspended solids established by the DNR been surpassed. ' It was noted that the average sewage flow in the northwest plant for the month of September was 448,000 gals. per day and that.�the average 1974 flow was 547,000 gals. per day. It was also noted that there is presently committed by the city 484 possible sewer connections. Using the 1974 average flow which assumed no correction of the existing inflow problem Sewer Committee 10/6/75 - p. 2 • and adding 193,600 gals. of sewage per day for previously approved subdivisions, etc. the estimated average flow into the northwest treat- ment facility would be approximately 740,000 gals. per day. Using the above information, the committee discussed the requests of the developers of subdivisions and Phase II of Pioneer Center for permission to connect into the city's sewer system. After a great deal of dis- cussion the committee agreed that, based on the above data, that there is no sewage treatment capacity available for additional residential development. In considering the status of the northeast sewage treatment facility it was noted that the average sewage flow was 271,900 gals, per day and that the average flow in 1974 was 314,OO7gals. per day. The com- mittee also noted that there were 163 units committed from previous dpproved subdivisions. Also, the Tudor Oaks Planned Unit Development using the treatment facility in off-peak hours. Considering the average sewage flow in 1974 and the need to provide capacity f6r previously committed residential units, the committee felt that the additional 64 units requested by Rite Realty for the completion of the Durham Meadows Planned Unit Development could be handled. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Common Council that the subdivision agreement,.for the Durham Meadows Planned Unit Development be amended by • striking Section 8 of that agreement in order that the additional 64 2-bedi`oom.ivnits can be constructed. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. ` Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact City Attorney John Buckley to determine how long the city must reserve capacity in the northwest treatment plant for the balance (126 units) of the Parkland Planned Unit Development as provided in the agreement between the two parties. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Common Council that they consider imposing a moratorium on the development of all major subdivisions within the northwest and northeast sewer districts because of -the lack .of treatment capacity. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Charles CCC/je C. Colburn Z'e