The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:15 P.M. Also present
was Alderman Ford, Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen Wallner and Knudsen.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Discussion was held relative to the proposed Lembezeder Sewer Project. Mr.
•Kenneth Laschen, Hillendale Drive, appeared before the committee to question
the several options open to him if the Lembezeder project was constructed
as originally planned. It was noted that by using the original design all
homes on the west side of Hillendale Drive from the Tomczyk property to the
Kronsage property could be served, however, the Stephens, Froehlich and
Laschen properties could not be served. It was the decision of the committee
to ask for alternate bids which would lower the sewer on Lembezeder Drive
sufficiently to serve all the properties in question. Ald. Ford moved to
recommend to the Common Council adoption of Resolutions #199-75, 200-75
and #201-75 all relating to the Lembezeder project. Seconded by Ald. Dumke,
motion carried.
A communication from consulting engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke was
read which indicated approval of the proposed sewer plans for the Tudor Oaks
Development and the staged construction of holding tanks.
A communication was received from the Waukesha County Health Department re-
garding the fecal coliform count along the Jewel Creek. Same placed on file.
A communication was received from Muskego Lakes Country Club requesting city
approval to have an engineering study by the City of Franklin to determine
the feasibility and costs of a force main from the country club to sewage
facilities in Franklin. It was the opinion of the committee that the City
of Muskego should not become involved until an indepth feasibility study
has been completed by the country club.
A review of those residents who have not connected to the city's sewer system
was made by the committee. It was noted that many presently have contractors
who have promised to complete the work within the next six or eight weeks.
Ald. Dumke moved to proceed with the acquiring of bids for the forced hookups
of those people who have not made provisions by contract to have the work
done themselves. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. Bids will be opened
at 4:00 P.M. on September 3, 1975.
Freedom Acres sewers were discussed by the committee. It was noted that SEWRPC
has indicated it would not be until the latter part of November before any
decision on the Beltline Freeway can be made. It was the consensus of opinion
�hat the city should no longer continue to hold the corridor for the proposed
eltline Freeway and that the Plan Commission should removed it from its
comprehensive plan. Ald. Ford moved to authorize Ruekert & Mielke to finalize
the plans for Freedom Acres Sewer Project. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion
Ald. Ray Wallner appeared to once again request sewers for his property on
Racine Avenue.
Public Sewer Committee
• August 11, 1975
Page 2
Mr. John Mielke appeared to discuss the Infiltration -Inflow Report for the
Northwest and Northeast Sewer Districts of the city, said report sent to
the Department of Natural Resources. The report indicated that if the
steps previously agreed to are successful about 20 to 25% of the inflow
problem could be solved. The report will be distributed to all aldermen.
Mr. Ray Gray, representing Rite Realty, a representative of Wildflower
Development, and Mr. Don Kilps and Mr. William Reeder appeared to discuss
their request to connect into the city's sewer system. They were advised
by the committee that no decision could be made until the results of our
efforts to reduce infiltration -inflow have been made.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerome J. Gottfried
Acting Secretary