PSEM19750602J ��1✓l'i l.�!\f��J M!4S14���it����+1)� h�il . MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 2, 1975 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Dumke, Also present were Alderman Colburn, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Wallner, James Kibbe, Gerald Lee, Willard Bertram, John Krahling and Consulting Engineer John Mielke. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The fecal coliform count recently taken by the Waukesha County Health Department was reviewed and placed on file. It was noted that the fecal coliform count at the Linnie Lac Dam had risen to 2200 and the count at the culvert on Martin Drive, east of College Avenue had fallen to 1,000. In this connection, Mr. Mielke advised the committee that the plans and specifications for the sewers in the Linnie Lac area have been approved and that very likely the project would be bid within the next few months following approval by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission and the State of Wisconsin. Mr. Ray Gray, representing Rite Realty Co., appeared to ask the committee for sewer service to 64 multiple families within the Durham Meadows Sub- division. The 64 units involved makeup of the 35% of the development •which was withheld pending determination as to whether or not sufficient sewage treatment facilities are available. The committee advised Mr. Gray that they would make their recommendation to the Council after a review of the matter with Mr. Mielke, probably in July. The committee received a letter from Inman Engineering, representing Muskego Lakes Country Club, asking the city to indicate approval of a development on their property if a forced main can be constructed to connect to the City of Franklin sewage system. The committee reviewed the petition of several residents living on Racine Ave. requesting the extension of sewers south to Parker Drive. Mayor Gottfried was directed to write to the people involved advising them that the proposal was not possible at this time. Mr. Carl Schulze and Mr. David Cunningham appeared to request permission to use the city's sewage system for their Wildflower Planned Unit Develop- ment. Several problems were discussed including the adequacies of the sewers on Sunnyhill Drive, the stage of development as it relates to the 65% limitation, the handling of storm water during the stage development and the affect on the existing storm water facilities along Sunset and Richdorf Drives. The possibilities of enclosing drainage ditches on Sunset and Richdorf Drives was discussed with the developers. A communication from Raymond Wojiechkowski regarding restoration problems on S.T.H. 24 was received and reviewed. A letter from Gerald Lee directed to Mrs. Bowyer advising her that the Hallada property at S63 W13563 Janesville Road did not have plumbing facilities was received and placed on file. The committee discussed the sewer problem on Lynoak Court in Parkland Subdivision in front of the residence of Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller has requested that the city once again check their line because of periodic backing up of sewage. Mr. Bertram explained that the line had been checked and no problems were found. He further stated that the Millers had a contractor re -install their lateral, however, it was completed without giving notice to the Inspection Department and therefore no inspection was made. It was the opinion of the committee that since Mr. Bertram does not feel the problem is related to the city sewer line another excavation would be a waste of money. Mayor Gottfried was directed to have Building Inspector Lee contact the contractor to dig up the line to the Miller property for a proper inspection. a Public Sewer Committee June 2, 1975 • Page 2 Mr. Bertram advised the committee of another problem on Hedgewood Drive which had to be dug up by the city. However, it was determined that the cause of the problem resulted from improper excavating by the contractor who installed the private sewer line to the house. It was the committee's decision to bill the contractor for the city's cost of determining liability. John Mielke advised the committee that as of this time no final plans of the holding tank or forced main to be used by Tudor Oaks has been submitted by their engineering firm. �J The committee discussed with Mr. Mielke the causes for the dramatic increase in flow at both sewage plants during heavy rains. Mr. Mielke provided a flow chart and advised the committee that the charts indicated the problem was from inflow (direct flow such as sump pumps, manhole covers leaking, etc.) and not from infiltration. He indicated that if infiltration were the cause the flow chart would show a slowly increast rate of flow for several days followed by a slow decreasing flow rate. He further advised the committee that in spite of the high flow during the wet weather the quality of treatment was still better than that required by the DNR. Mr. Mielke advised the committee that he must prepare a report for the city by July, 1975, on the infiltration and flow to the DNR and steps the city will take to correct the problems. The committee agreed that the following steps should be taken: (1) all manholes will be checked to determine whether or not they are in flood areas and will be either raised or sealed. (2) Check and repair all manholes which are experiencing leakage through the seams. (3) Use flow meters in an attempt to locate homes using sanitary sewers for surface water drainage. (4) The committee agreed to send another letter to all homes in the sewer districts urging them not to use the sanitary sewers for surface drainage flows (sump pumps). They will also be sent a copy of that segment of the ordinance prohibiting same. Mr. Mielke advised the committee that the State had developed a new priority list for those areas needing sewers and for which federal and state monies might be available. The new priority placed the interceptor for the Waukesha County line to the Lannon lift station in the No. 2 position. This line has an estimated cost of $4,500,000.00. However, Mr. Mielke stated that the segment of sewers which would serve Muskego from the county line to the College Ave. interceptor was given a priority of over 300 and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission does not have construction of that line within their five-year plan. Mr. Mielke will contact Mr. Weland of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission to determine whether or not they plan to object to their low priority for that interceptor. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. je Respectfully submitted, Charles Colbur� y.