PSEM19750507PUBLIC SEWER (.OMP17.°I°`:rI:'[; GT ` OP €,'" ;i;i!,ft)
The meeting was called to or•dar at: 7:00 P.H. by C:hai:nnan Dumke. Also present
were Aldermen Colburn, Ford and Kmidsen, MJy )r GottE-cied and Ald. Wallner.
The minutes of the prcvious vi�.!r.ring vere r viee ed and placed on file.
Mr. Kilps, repre.^>e.'rit tl)r, F:i"!.p „ Rc atl r . £ Mc t:arl S+Thule e and Mr. David Cunning-
ham, representing proposed W ldflcta<.t: Dovclopmciit: and Mr. Ray Gray, represent-
ing Rite Realty, were prest:Sllt to CiiS+'0S6 C0ut_W'.t"]"+''t1 into the cityrs sewage
Mr. Gray specifically requec.te:dpe.>.zMissio:) to hn�k l,rp the remaining 35%
(64 units) of the Durham Meadows Subdivisioll. He advised the committee that
the 64 units u=cluld add a, ii;.rnz'•i=.; _ 1- l.'�0Ot} ?::1."E= ut; of sang age, per day and
that since it has been :i ;, trs Tinl:: his duvelopment agreement had been
executed that the ci.r,, had at.) oblig;.rtAo± 111-lde;r tha> agrecm nt to permit the
connection. Mr. Gray was adv'isorl h> the c-rllm:.ttec. that al -though the present
treatment of effluent f-. [T :: E."l:lt±i� Lhc nr''i uh asl: plAni,: i_s Superior to that re-
quired by the. DI3R we do havee a problein which at time has
caused the flow t"(i irwreasr' in =>4:c s =:f 7.,OJ0,000 ga'_I=y±ts per day. Mr.
WGray was advised of: the c:it y 1 s pl at±F tc> at t cnipt to solve the inflow problem.
he committee il,'.o ')).)i.ed t.hac t.hc.l it �nt1a l::i =1y 200 coittmitted connection;
in previously appr it v.d suodivisi-r is l„d FJ C'•:dCrn c-1, is and that with this
number of ccrlanec:t:ions I.1„s hi.s > et,;,,s. frr 6`1 a±tits would impose an addit-
ional brirdcxA r"n ,hr± I'•F .,it: '-!',',.�'; t_it. 4'ry i:: a<lt it can handle. Mr.
Gray Was Hlat Tate: its '`.`forts to correct
the inflow fl'°ry',1 [.'ill and .i !:'G il.'C, '_r'^,`i1 j:;, dN•,; tati"a ej.
Mr. Kilps a:id z:hc: t;. .;,'i•-t;c t,C 5v;."i
:; i ; u Ecli-, i.,s.c>n which would be served
by the narthw,tsr ;refit ,teoi: i�'ixaxlt:. �_;-,:
a.C� i_rz d of ,similar problems. The
committee .tel.r t.'r1;er ::z t:iill 1' l':tsc,, :;.,,
_A". ;e.c1tits 'aLrild provide a better
insight inLo
r'L it low problem.
Mr. Kilps c w,.,1,..
t :=t: flip. r .ti.e:>t .for 24 oae-bedroom
unii.s was pac, of: a p � :i.;<<� : t j
tie.i.t development, that
probribls i.e.)s th:ayi rJ
a'nd since there is
a ±seed io2 +., `.7 [! tl 'r"y{.l i 1"V; 1:;> L t h
- 'iC 1` F1.-.'. Y'•,it.1 ._: titf! Colm-littee would
consider hi:i
. ._�
The comnitt-ca iisr :set' ;. ;' "
; .,,., 1 ' ; "C" -,T)d " " ricts
i.)1 H Dist
which have „=-=t. i c^?cr.d v, ,... :i,c t,nitsi.::,
rs9 s,._,,az stint.e;a. it was noted that
the time lit'UL 11t i "�!
.d '_ ,ice. Ald. Dumke
.roved to .: ° 7
:: f i o l .i;:ion authorizing
preparation .;,' t" ... ;;, 1,:t ''..,1 :
t .; , t ., 'i c d,t, foreGd hook-ups in
the "G" artd "It" i`i..scl:.i..,_ :c, uri,,:,�
"i.;=' Alc . Fi`ai:c.':, motion carried. A
letter regaAd'P.i;.. rl;'.:; ;,;.t i. s.i.l l ..
,t 30 Al.l. rusidUztts concerned.
Ald. Xitiid tar ajtp+:';; c,i C` _ i�:3;_ cr=:.::i
, ;' Cit3ki lay the cos[anittee of the
extcilsio;"t cif r_i,:. I ,. •i
lr ti ,rr:r.(.h =±iyd :;r,uth on. Iiillendale
Drive. May—.l 1 , _ a, c.ae1 ,..
:, ce t.,i't .S Miellce for a
reccynP,;tendatic, t r)n r'L,'
copy of, a le( e.A:, i:t-nr.:
to Francis Lufkin
and Francis liar din;; .. ,.a r ;;.i., t: i ,'•r,i• it:
,.,., , €.,,. t;--wee - ; sre_.,l was reviewed and
placed on f:i.] €.,. 0; bc,r .., ,i:mr.1:4_r:c c: "_
:i•3? { .•rrc,.>p,,., !cx±c:e, w, is received and
placed on Lii.e.
The corunitac:r.
t:fie k!r:;:•et•opet's of I. ncoinslifre Sub-
division to qdd r?nhthr:� ��,� t.�+
i+y1 Ald. Ford moved
to grant the irat,r<:'t aii tr, rer.ra:l:vc::1,0
r:r approval. of
the needed l rtd\di.Li ,ran 811, .71N't` t'c.l
L'r-.s`.1Ct C71. of at;. existing drainage
problem on the corntir -=F 'rc -s L'�in:=ei'
Drivve �i:td Woods Road. Seconded by
Ald. Dumke, motio±l\rar.,ftd.
The meeting adjour'I:ie��„t, 8::30 P.m.
Charles C. Colburn