PSEM19750115n LJ • PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 15, 1975 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:30 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Schaumberg and Colburn and Mayor Gottfried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The question of sewer assessment reconsideration for Lots 3 and 4, Block 19, Jewel Crest Subdivision, now owned by Carl Gratzek, was dis- cussed. Attorney Buckley's opinion regarding the matter was reviewed. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Council an amendment to the present assessment to reflect a single lot status. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Mr. Walter Spahn and Mr. Mastrocola appeared at the meeting concerning sewers for Freedom Acres. They were advised by the committee that sufficient sewage capacity in the treatment plant will be held for both Freedom Acres and Bay Lawn Subdivisions in anticipation of providing them with municipal sewers. They were further advised that although specifications for providing sewers to Freedom Acreas are being designed a final decision as to the status of the beltline free- way corridor must be made prior to the bidding of the project. It was explained that if the city decided to protect the corridor an easement across Mrs. Ceille's land would be necessary which cost would be borne by the utility district. However, in the event it was determined not to protect the corridor and Mrs. Ceille were allowed to plat the balance of her property the sewer line from the treatment plant to Freedom Acres would follow a proposed roadway and Mrs. Ceille would be assessed for that cost. Mr. Spahn and Mr. Mastrocola were further advised that the city was aware of the need for sewers in Freedom Acres and for that reason have recommended a relocation of the large interceptor and the installation of an interim sewer to serve that area. It was suggested that sewers would probably not be available until mid or late 1976. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend Council approval of a resolution authorizing a refund for one lateral to Donald H. Shine. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Mr. Ray Wallner appeared at the meeting to again request sewer service so that he could develop his property on Racine Avenue (former Loomis Farm). The committee reminded Mr. Wallner that one of the prerequisites to approving sewers for development was to have an acceptable proposal submitted to the Plan Commission. Once the proposed development has been approved by the Plan Commission the Sewer Committee would then consider the request. The committee reviewed a report from the sewer plant operator which revealed that the average flow into the northeast plant was 240,000 gallons per day and that the flow into the northwest plant was 453,000 gallons per day. \ The committee was advised that as of January 1, 1975, there were 1,471 connections in the northwest sewer district and 848 connections in the northeast district. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - Page 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO • Ald. Dumke advised the committee that he has had several inquiries about the possibility of providing sewers to serve the Hi -View Acres Subdivision. It was pointed out that the Hi -View Acres area was eventually to be served by a different sewer interceptor coming from Milwaukee County and that the cost of trying to use the McShane treatment plant would be prohibitive. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to have the city's consulting engineers, Ruekert and Mielke review the plans for sewering the south- east area of the city and to advise the committee how and when it is expected sewers would be available in that area. The committee reviewed the proposed amendments to Resolution #220-71, Establishing Guidelines for the approval of New Developments which will be using the City's sewerage facilities. They discussed at great length the advisability of exempting smaller tracts of lands and minor subdivisions. A copy of the proposed changes will be given to the Aldermen so that the committee can made their recommendation to the Council in February. Ald. Colburn moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion • carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Paul J. Schaumberg, Sec'y PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE