PSEM19741014PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKBGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 14, 1974. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Colburn and Wallner. The committee discussed reports of recent Department of Health bacteria counts. No reply has been received from Waukesha County as to why the fecal count at Martin and Jewel Crest was high in August. The September report was acceptable in comparison with the August report. The committee reviewed reports of the northwest oxidation lagoon and the northeast plant and both were found to be within state stan- ards. Alderman Dumke moved to recommend Council approval of sewer instal- lation for the three remaining lots in the Kurthwood Subdivision. Seconded by Alderman Colburn, motion carried. The committee deferred any action on the proposed Alvin Basse Sub- division until various questions of the committee can be clarified with Mr. Basse. The committee discussed the claim of Mr. E. Wrasse and it was the committee's decision to deny same. Mayor Gottfried to send explanation to the Wrasses'. The matter of proposed sewer installation in the Freedom Acres Sub- division was discussed. Two proposed plans were reviewed. The question of whether or not lands should be reserved for the pro- posed Belt Freeway to be referred to the Common Council. The matter of Harding and Lufkin residences not being connected to the city's sewer system is being referred to Gerald Lee, Building Inspector, for a detailed report. The committee is recommending Council approval of Ordinance #291 (Re: Installation of sewers in the Linnie Lac area). Raymond Wallner appeared at the meeting to requestsewers for 15 acres of land located on Racine Avenue. Mr. Wallner was advised that the only way his request could be considered is to have Plan Commission approval of an actual proposal. Alderman Colburn moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Dumke, • motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Charles P. Colburn, Secretary Pu�wer Commi�tte