PSEM19740731PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 31, 1974 The meeting was called. to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:55 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Schaumberg, Colburn and Wallner and. Mayor Gottfried. The following persons appeared at the meeting to express their views regarding the proposed. installation of sanitary sewers in Lembezeder Drive: Harold Ruuska Chester Hauser Paul Menning Mrs. Clement La Chapelle Clement La Chapelle Clarence Froelich Herbert Damaske Kenneth E. Laschen, Jr. Glen Suttman Leona M. Wollman Mae Wiegel Elroy Weigel Russell Rea The property owners were given an opportunity to vote either in favor of or opposed to such installation and the vote result in 7 in favor and 5 opposed (the vote represented. 100% of the property owners). Ald. Colburn moved to defer action on this matter until a report as to the efficiency of the northwest treatment plant is received from Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded. by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. ' The committee discussed the hauling of sludge in exchange for dumping privileges at the northeast treatment plant. Ald.. Schaumberg moved to have Harold Senft haul sludge from the plant in exchange for the privilege of dumping into the plant. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. A report from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the efficiency of the northeast treatment plant was reviewed. It was noted that although the capacity of the plant is 500,000 gallons per day the average during the month of June was 350,000 gallons. It was further noted. that the quality of treatment far exceeded that of the requirements of the DNR. The report recommended that additional connections to the northeast treatment plant could be permitted subject to a review of at least once every six months. Mr. Ray Gray and Mr. LaBonte appeared at the meeting representing Rite Realty regardir:.,._c4 request to complete their development of Hale Park Meadows and. Durham Meadows. Following a great deal of discussion during which the developers agreed to continuation of the limitation on Durham Meadows, Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Common Council the lifting of the 65% limitation presently placed on Hale Park Meadows subject to the receipt of an agreement from the developer to retain the limitation on Durham Meadows. Seconded. by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee is awaiting a reply from the City of New Berlin concerning proposed sewers for the Linnie Lac area. The committee reviewed the number of residents which have not connected. to the city sewer system in spite of the city's recent request. Ald. Schaumberg advised the committee that it is his opinion the majority of the connections will be made within a very short time. Ald.. Colburn moved to recommend.to Council that the "G" District be given an additional 60 days to connect into the city's sewer system before legal action is taken. Seconded.by Ald. 0 Dumke, motion carried. The committee received. the July 19 report from the Waukesha County Health Dept. concerning the bacteria counts of samples taken in the Linnie Lac - Little Muskego Lake area. Report placed on file. Public Sewer Committee July 31, 1974 P. 2 • The city has received. Permit No. WI-002-1750 for the operation of treatment facility at Woods Road and Lannon Drive and -Permit #0021164 for operation of treatment facility at the northeast treatment plant. The permits and necessary forms will be forwarded to Ruekert & Mielke for compliance. The committee received a communication from the Waukesha County Health Department regarding the inadequacies of several private disposal systems serving residences around. Big Muskego Lake. Building Inspector Lee will be asked to report on the status of the buildings. Correspondence from National Exchangors regarding the city's decision to limit the 11-lot subdivision to 65% (Shagbark). It was the decision of the committee to withhold final action pending the results of Ruekert & Mielke's analysis of the northwest treatment facility. The committee discussed the possibility of changing the present quarterly sewer service charge procedure to an annual charge. It wouldbe the intent of the sewer committee to place the sewer service charge for all people using the municipal sewer system as a special assessment on their real estate tax bill beginning January 1, 1975. Ald. Schaumberg moved to ask the Common Council for permission to send a communication to all people affected by this proposal for their reaction. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, • motion carried. • The committee again reviewed the request of Mrs. Carl Wauer to waive the $18.00 sewer service charge for that period during which they were subjected. to periodic flooding as a result of lift station failure. City Attorney Buckley's opinion regarding the matter was reviewed. On the basis of that opinion the committee agreed to deny the claim. Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald.. Dumke, motion carried,. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. PJS/je Respectfully submitted, Paul J. Schaumberg, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee