The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also
present were Aldermen Schaumberg, Wallner and Knudsen, Mayor Gottfried,
Mayor P. Harry Eberle, Ald. John Schober and Planner Roger Johnson from
the City of New Berlin, Mr. Ray Gray and Mr. John Mielke.
Mr. Clyde Miller, S71 W16775 Lynoak Ct., Parkland Subdivision, appeared at
the meeting to complain that his sewer has backed up on three different
occasions during this past year. It was the committee's decision to
discuss the matter with Supt. Bertram as he is familiar with the operation
of the sewer system in this area.
Mayor Eberle, Planner Johnson and Ald. Schober appeared at the meeting to
discuss the proposed sewering of the Linnie Lac area. A discussion took
place regarding the feasibility of permitting sewer connections to only
existing residences and commercial buildings. It was agreed that a
tentative agreement would be drafted by the city attorney for presentation
to the City of New Berlin and the Sewer Committee.
Mr. Ray Gray, representing Rite Realty Co., and his Attorney appeared at
the meeting to discuss the 65% limitation as contained in Ordinance #220-71.
as it relates to their Durham Meadows and Hale Park Meadows developments.
• They have previously requested that the 65% limitation be lifted.
The committee discussed proposed sewer installation for Freedom Acres and
Bay Lawn Subdivisions. Ruekert & Mielke to provide cost estimate.
In regard to the request for sewer installation on S.T.H. 24 west of
Racine Avenue, Mr. Mielke indicated that the cost would be approximately
$4500.00 and that approximately 1800 feet would be served by gravity.
Ruekert & Mielke to provide assessment roll for that area.
A discussion was held by the committee regarding the Harding and Lufkin
residences on Janesville Road not being connected to the municipal sewer
system. Although they do not abut a public road the city does on the land
between Janesville Road and their lots and therefore could provide the
necessary easements. Attorney Buckley will be contacted to determine the
best way to proceed.
The committee discussed with Mr. Mielke the present methods for reporting
the results of testing the city's sanitary sewer system. He advised the
committee that they have revised the reports and will indicate the ideal
requirements in order that comparisons can be made with actual tests.
Mr. Alvin Basse appeared before the Sewer Committee to request use of
the city's municipal sewers for a development proposed on his land located
east of Bay Lane and south of S.T.H. 24. The committee advised him that
no action would be taken until a recommendation regarding his development
has been received from the Plan Commission.
Ray Wallner appeared at the meeting to request municipal sewers for property
on Racine Ave. (former Loomis farm), Mr. Wallner was reminded that the _-_
committee will not make any recommendations regarding the use of the city's
sewer system for a development until a recommendation is received from the
Plan Commission.
A communication from Richard Thode regarding the installation of a holding
tank was referred to Building Inspector Lee and the Waukesha County Board
of Health.
Proposed sewers in Lembezeder Drive were discussed. Ruekert and Mielke to
provide assessment roll for that area.
The meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y.
PS je Public Sewer Committee