• The meeting was called to order at 9:45 B.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also
present were Aldermen Schaumberg and Knudsen, Mayor Gottfried and Building
Inspector Lee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Mr. David Boucher, owner of Lot 9 Parkland Subdivision, appeared at the
meeting regarding his claim for additional monies he was required to spend
as a result of a misplaced asbilt. It was explained by Building Inspector
Lee thatthe Metropolitan Sewage Commission required relocation of the sewer
line which resulted in the change of the original lateral. The contractor
for Mr. Boucher used the original lateral location which was in error and
therefore expended an additional amount of money($216.00) which he charged
Mr. Boucher. It was Mr. Lee's opinion that the city's obligation was to
cover the cost of the additional digging involved and did not feel that the
city could be held responsible for additional gravel needed. Ald. Schaum-
berg moved, seconded by Ald. Dumke, that the claim be submitted to the
Finance Committee with the recommendation that the amount of $216.00 be
approved for payment. Motion carried.
Mr. Ken Westcott appeared at the meeting for clarification of the number
of lots of his subdivision he is permitted to build upon as it relates to
. the 65% limitation. The committee reviewed the number of total sq. feet
involved in his subdivision and based on the following formula total sq.
fottage of land minus sq. feet of land used for road purposes divided by
the density permitted under the district zoning time665% equals number
of housing units permitted. Using this formula it was determined 10 lots
(or 20 units) would be permitted.
Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact the engineering firm of Ruekert
and Mielke for a full report on the status of the sewers for Freedom
Acres, the reasons for the delays and a review of the possibility of
relocating the major interceptor in order that Freedom Acres sewer project
would not be dependent upon it. The committee also wanted to know the
possibility and cost of an intermin sewer line to sewer the area,
Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee the results of the negotiations
with the Ed Ryan Construction Company.
A petition signed by 15 residents requesting sewer extension on S.T.H. 24
just west of Racine Avenue was received and referred to Engineers Ruekert
• & Mielke for cost estimate.
The committee is awaiting an answer from Mr. Mannigan regarding the
•sewering of his property which is located in the City of New Berlin.
The committee reviewed a communication from Ruekert & Mielke indicating
that the cost of installation of sanitary sewer on Lembezeder Dr. from
Gold Dr. to Hillendale Dr. would be $45,000.00. The committee to review
the area before making recommendation.
The committee discussed the proposed settlement with Ryan Construction Co.
for $7,500.00 liquidated damages and $5,000.00 to cover incompleted restor-
ation. The committee will await word from Attorney Buckley regarding this
The committee reviewed a communication dated 4/11/74 from the Waukesha Co.
Dept. of Health, directed to Mayor Gottfried, regarding surface Water
Analysis. Same placed on file.
Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried.
• The meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee
49/74 - Page 2.
The committee received a petition requesting installation of sanitary
sewers on Lembezeder Drive. Ald. Knudsen moved, seconded by Ald. Czarnecki,
to authorize Ruekert & Mielke to provide the committee a cost estimate
on the project to be prepared by the next meeting.
Communication received from State of Wis., DNR, directed to Mayor
Gottfried, dated 2/28/74, indicating final payment in the amount of
$9,725.00 State Grant. Communication placed on file.
Communication received from EPA, directed to Mayor Gottfried, dated
3/19/74, certifying that a total of $91,683.00 has been paid as per
their agreement with the city. Communication placed on file.
The committee reviewed the problem of John Kelly not connecting into the
sewer system and the committee reaffirmed its action taken on 12/3/73
directing him to connect into the sewer system within 30 days.
Ald. Foldy has agreed to contact the Telephone Company to determine
what is delaying the connection of the needed telephone line for the
alarm pumping station.
The committee reviewed the monthly flow of the northwest and northeast
plants as follows:
Northeast plant
Northwest plant
Report placed on file.
Total for March
8,511,300 gals.
28,954,000 Gals.
Average perday
303,900 Gals.
933,550 Gals.
The committee will discuss Kurthwood and St. Leonard's Subdivisions at
their next meeting.
Ald. Czarnecki moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 P.M.
. Knudsen, Sec'y.