The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 9:45 A.M. Present
were Aldermen Wallner, Czarnecki and Knudsen, Mayor Gottfried, Supt.
Bertram and Consulting Engineer John Mielke.
Mr. F. D. Spaight appeared at the meeting to request a refund for lateral
on Lot 46, Kingston Subdivision. The matter was referred to Building
Inspector and Zoning Officer Gerald Lee for a detailed report on the matter.
Attorney Wm. G. Shields and Mr. A. C. Rosshaven appeared in behalf of Anna
Mahn requesting permission to redivide four parcels of land out of the
Anna Mahn property and that the balance of the sewer assessment be con-
tinued to be deferred. Ald. Knudsen moved the above matter be referred
to City Attorney Buckley for a legal opinion as to how the above request
would be affected by Resolution #19-71, As Amended, entitled, Establishing
Deferred Assessment Policies.
Mayor Gottfried to correspond with the Waukesha County Dept. of Health
regarding their report of coliform count at Martin Road Culvert.
•Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Mayor Eberle of the City of New
Berlin regarding their reaction to the Sewer Committee's proposal that
sewers serving the Linnie Lac area would be limited to existing development.
Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Mr. Tom Inman, Agent for Mr.
Sherper regarding his request for sewers to serve a proposed development
on Gold Drive. It was the committee's desire to inform Mr. Inman that
any development would be dependent upon extension of the sewers to the
Linnie Lac area in New Berlin.
The committee received a communication from Robert J. Mannigan requesting
permission to connect into the city's sewer system. It was the committee's
decision to advise Mr. Mannigan that they would be willing to consider
such a possibility, however, it was his responsibility to determine the
most practical way to accomplish this matter. It was anticipated that
Mr. Mannigan was to pay the cost of engineering and construction fees.
The committtee reviewed Mr. Buckley's letter, dated March 6, 1974, regarding
the city's liability for lift station failure and overloading. The matter
will be discussed at a future meeting.
The committee discussed the city's contract with Ed. Ryan regarding Sewer
Project MSS-9-71.
• Ald. Knudsen moved, seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, to authorize Ruekert &
Mielke to file an appeal to the DNR W.P.D.E.S. Permit Section (Wisconsin
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) for relief from their requirements
in Permit WI-0021750. Motion carried. No action is necessary for the
northeast plant because that plant has met all requirements under the
new State Discharge Permit.
�Ald. Dumke moved, seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, to authorize Ruekert &
Mielke to seek quotes on trenching the dike and repair of interior piping
on the northwest plant. Motion carried.