` The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 9:45 R.M. by Chairman
Dumke. Also present were Aldermen Czarnecki, Knudsen and Wallner and Mayor
Mrs. Carl Wauer, Reiss Drive, appeared at the meeting to request that her
$18.00 sewer service charge plus interest for the three-month period that
effluent backed up into the basement of their home, be waived. The matter
was referred to City Attorney Buckley.
Mr. Harold Senft appeared at the meeting to request permission to put septic
tank waste from the City of Muskego into the city's sewer system on McShane
Rd. The committee agreed unanimously to allow this practice to take place
on a 90-day trial basis.
The committee will check with Aldermen Schaumberg and Foldy and the files
for complaints on Ed Ryan Construction Co. before final payment.
Ald. Dumke moved to bill Zidar Plumbing Co. for sewer cleanout on Larkspur
Rd. in the amount of $372.05 for 1,063 feet of 8" line cleaned by Ace Sewer
Cleaners. This amount will be deducted from the amount of money the city
owes Zidar Plumbing. Seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, motion carried.
•Ald. Knudsen reported that no progress has been made on three claims on
Luehring Drive (Halfpap, Thibedeau and Giefer).
Communication to be sent to Mrs. M. Schwartz in the "G" District, clarifying
her objections for being billed for sewer service prior to being connected
into the sewer system.
The following report was received from the Waukesha Co. Dept. of Health:
Linnie Lac Dam
Muskego Dam Outfall
Martin Rd. and College
Avenue Culvert
Report placed on file.
Total Coliform Fecal Coliform Detergent
1,400 70 0.05
L.T. 100 L.T. 10 0.05
1,550 20 1.0
A request was received from Mildred Schubert regarding her sewer service
charge. A letter to be sent to Mrs. Schubert to clarify her question.
The monthly flow report from Ruekert & Mielke for the northwest plant
•indicated a total flow for the month of January to be 21,181,000 gallons
for the month and an average daily flow of 692,900 gallons. The lowest day
for the month was 425,000 gallons and the highest was 1,083,000 gallons.
The report for the northeast plant indicated a total of 11,628,000 gallons
or an average daily flow of 375,160 gallons. The report indicated a low
of 167,400 gallons per day and a high of 1,161,900. Report placed on file.
At.11:30 A.M. the meeting recessed and it reconvened at 8.00 P.M. Present
at this time were Aldermen Wallner, Dumke, Foldy, Knudsen and Ford and
Mayor Gottfried.
The committee agreed, in principle, to provide sewers for Linnie Lac area
providing a satisfactory agreement can be reached between the City of
Muskego and the City of New Berlin.
Sewer Committee
2/4/74 P. 2
Ald. Czarnecki moved, as seconded by Ald. Dumke, to appoint City of
New Berlin Public Works Director, Donald Finch, to serve as Muskego's
representative on the Metropolitan Sewer Commission Coordinating Committee
on a 6-month rotating basis. Motion carried.
OWAld. Czarnecki moved to approve the expenditure for testing equipment
at the northeast plant. Seconded by Ald. Knudsen. Motion carried.
A discussion took place and the committee reviewed Resolution #220-71,
entitled, Establishing Guidelines for the Approval of New Developments
Which Will Be Usirig The City's Sewerage Facilities.
Ald. Czarnecki moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Knudsen. The meeting
adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respect ully submitted,
R chard M. Knudsen, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee