PSEM19731203PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 3, 1973 We meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 10:30 A.M. Also present were Aldermen Czarnecki, Knudsen and Wallner and Mayor Gottfried. The committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved and placed on file. The committee received correspondence from Peter Chmiel regarding damage to his car on Tess Corners Drive as a result of sewer construction. The committee reviewed correspondence from Mrs. Wm. Werry, MacLen Drive, 1"0arding damage to her car - same placed on file. Correspondence received .from Ruekert & Mielke regarding their study of ultimate capacity for the northwest treatment plant and the latest BOD rating. The committee reviewed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke regarding Mr. J. Mahoney's lateral in the Denoon area. The committee received a telephone call from Mildred Schubert regarding her sewer service charges. After reviewing the matter Ald. Dumke informed Mrs. Schubert that her sewer charges had been calculated correctly. Tess Corners Fire Chief Utpatel appeared at the meeting regarding the cost of installation of lateral to the fire house and the sewer service charges aor his department. It was the committee's decision that both of these harges will be paid by the fire department. Ald. Czarnecki moved, as seconded by Ald. Dumke, to direct John Kelly to secure a Plumbing Permit immediate} -;for all inside plumbing work and that the work be completed within 30 days (January 5, 1974), and if the work is not completed the city will retain Adkins Plumbing to complete the necessary work. Motion carried. It was agreed by the committee that the cost of the lateral will be either refunded or credited. Ald. Knudsen moved, as seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, to have Mr. Bertram do the necessary emergency work at the northwest lagoon. Motion carried. Ald. Knudsen moved, as seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, to recommend to the Common Council the approval of the forced hookup as per Resolution #196-73 (Paulson and Brower). Motion carried. The committee received the following report from the Dept. of Health: Fecal Coliform Fecal Coliform Detergent Detergent Oct. 24,1973 Nov. 9, 1973 Oct. 24,'73 Nov.9, '73 Linnie Lac 250 440 0.04 .05 Jewel Creek 40 220 0.07 .03 Isle Less than 10 Less than 10 0.02 .02 ie tle Muskego (at dam) Less than 10 Less than 10 0.04 .01 The committee agreed to send a letter to the residents in the "G" District reminding them to hook up into the city sewer system and to consider the city policy for hookup. The deadline date has already been extended 4 months. Ald. Knudsen advised the committee that Ron Olson, Hillside Drive, has been connected into the city sewer system by Schroeder Plumbing. Ald. Czarnecki moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 P.M. �\ Respectf lly submitted, R chard M. Knudsen, Sec y. Sewer Committee RMK/je