5, 1973
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 9:45 A.M.
• Also present were A4-&m Czarnecki, Wallner and Foldy and
Mayor Gottfried. q b�aHnc�
Ald. Foldy requested that Mr. Fred Wendt be permitted to
present his problem to the Sewer Committee. After consider-
able discussion during which Mr. Wendt presented his problem
and Mayor Gottfried reviewed the matter with the committee
Ald. Czarnecki moved that, upon the execution of a sewer
easement by Fred and Joan Wendt, the delinquent assessment
presently against the Wendt property would be removed along
with any interest charge. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
Ald. Foldy requested that the Sewer Committee clarify its
position of the request of the Fountainwood Pool Association,
Inc. for a waiving of sewer service charge during those months
the pool is not in use.
The Sewer Committee reviewed Ordinance #211, As Amended, and
it was their determination that the present ordinance does
not provide for such an action. Ald. Czarnecki moved that
the Sewer Committee recommend to the Rules, Laws 6 Ordinance
Committee the development of an amendment to Ordinance #211,
As Amended, which would provide for the waiving of sewer ser-
vice charges in those instances where a non-profit organization
such as the Fountainwood Pool Association, Inc. does not use
the sewer all year around. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
A communication was received from Mrs. Bowyer regarding a
claim against the contractor who installed sewers in her
area. The claim involved damage to a snowmobile because of
lateral stakes placed during construction. It was note.
that the insurance company has denied the claim. Mayor
Gottfried explained that the onlq other alternative would be
to make a direct appeal to the contractor as had been done in
a previous claim by a resident of that subdivision. Ald. Dumke
moved that Madsen Construction Co. be contacted regarding the
claim. Seconded by Ald. Czarnecki. Motion carried.
A communication was received from Ruekert 6 Mielke updating
the estimated cost for providing sewers to the Linnie Lac
area. communication to be referred to Mayor Eberle of the
• City of Nev Berlin with a request to attend the next Sewer
Committee meeting.
• Ald. Dumke moved to accept a credit of $325.00 from L. W.
Allen Engineering Co., for the two pumps which were replaced
in the Lannon Lift Station. Seconded be Ald. Czarnecki.
Motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding the capacity of the northwest
treatment facility. Mayor Gottfried provided data which indi-
cated that if the infiltration problem were solved capacity for
250 more units would be possible. A1d.Czarnecki moved, as sec-
onded by Ald. Dumke, to approve payment of Zidar Plumbing in
the amount of $1,003.00 for work done on Hardwick P1. Motion
Following considerable discussion during which several devel-
opers took part, Ald. Dumke moved, as seconded by Ald. Czarnecki,
Public Sewer Committee
Cont'd,' September 5, 1973
to present to the Plan Commission at their next meeting the
proposition that they would review all proposed developments
• and determine which would be best for the city prior to sending
them to the Sewer Committee. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was reviewed and placed on file:
To Mayor Gottfried, from Rite Realty, dated September 4, 1973,
requesting complete development of Durham Meadows and Hale
Park Meadows.
To Herbert Ripley from Mayor Gottfried, dated 8/20/73, re-
questing to test outfall of northwest sewer system.
To Mayor Eberle from Mayor Gottfried, dated 8/21/73, regarding
the sewering of Linnie Lac area.
To John Mielke from Mayor Gottfried, dated 8/28/73, regarding
restoration of several problems in the "G" District.
Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Albert F. Czarnecki, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee