PSEM19730709PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 9, 1973 The meeting was called to order by, Chairman Edwin Dumke at 9:30 A.M. Also present were Aldermen Knudsen and Czarnecki and Mayor Gottfried. Mr. Peter Mark, Attorney, 10530 W. St. Martin Road, Franklin, Wisconsin, appeared at the meeting regarding the possibility of connecting proposed Durham Heath into the city sewer system. The committee deferred action on this matter. r Herbert C. Puetzer and Henry C. Seeboth, representing MC Development Co., Inc., appeared at the meeting regarding the possibility of connecting the former Lazynski-Beck property into the municipal sewer system. A Lengthy discussion was held on the subject - no action was taken. Ald. Ray Wallner appeared at the meeting regarding the possibility of connecting the former Loomis property on Racine Avenue into the city's sewer system. No action was taken. A letter was received from Michel's Pipeline Const. Co. denying any responsibility for the need to clean the sewer line on Saroyan Road. Schroeder Plumbing is presently cleaning the line out and the work should be completed in the near future. A Plumbing Permit has been issued for a new house for the inside work but no permits will be issued for lateral installation until the lines have been cleaned. Ald. Czarnecki moved, as seconded by Ald. Dumke, to accept a credit of $1,075.00 for Project MSS-7-711and $720.00 for Project MSS-8-71 (Glenbrook apd Belmont Greens) and for the city to go in and 1hhve the shoulders filled with topsoil and seeded. Motion carried. A letter was received from Mrs. Brauer on Brentwood Drive requesting a forced hook-up immediately. Ald. Knudsen moved to place the hook-up out on bids and the charge to be levied against her real estate taxes. Seconded by Ald. Czarnecki, motion carried. The following report was received from Herbert E. Ripley of the Waukesha County Health Dept.: Location Bathing Park #1 Bathing Park #2 Idle Isle (East side by boat ramp) • Idle Isle (Bathing area) Linnie Lac Dam Jewel Crest Bridge Little Muskego Dam Report placed on file. Fecal Coliform 290 80 110 10 2,740 900 30 A communication was reviewed written by Mayor Gottfried, directed to Richard Route, Attorney for the Wisconsin Electric Power Co., dated 7/3/73, requesting an emergency phone inmber to call in case of power failure. The city has now received a number to call, same has been given to James Kibbe, Police Dept. and Willard Bertram. r Public Sewer Committee 7/9/73 - P. 2 A communication was received from Kurt Bauer, Executive Director of SEWRPC, inviting any interested person to attend a meeting onJuly 12, 1973, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commission offices regarding extension of centralized metropolitan sanitary sewer service. iThe committee reviewed the chart bubmitted by James Kibbe indicating the daily flow as well as other information concerning the treatment of "sewage in the northeast and northwest plants. It was the committee's feeling that another chart should be drafted incorporating some of the data included in the report as well as various information suggested by the committee. • 11 Ald. Czarnecki moved, as seconded by Ald. Dumke, to recommend to the Common Council to allow Schober and Radtke to hook into the city's sewer system providing they install a holding tank and to pump effluent in off-peak hours provided the developer comes in with an agt,-eable develop- ment to the Plan Commission and the Common Council. Motion carried. C L ly submitted, Richard M. Knudsen, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee