PSEM19730507PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 7, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 9:45 A.M. Present were Chairman Dumke, Aldermen Czarnecki and Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried. The committee reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting and placed them on file. The Sewer Committee is awaiting action from Rock Contractors on several restoration problems before final payment is approved. They have questioned on the extras they have requested. Building Inspector Lee advised the Sewer Committee that no Plumbing Permit will be issued to Schroeder Plumbing Co. because of unfinished work and violations. A copy of a letter from Ruekert & Mielke directed to Michels Pipeline regarding the cost of correcting a faulty lateral at the residence of William Schnell on Saroyan Road. Ald. Czarnecki moved to grant the request of St. Paul's Church for permission to defer connection into the city's sewer system because of the location of the cemetery (the relocation of several graves would be necessary), as •recommended by Building Inspector Lee. Also, there is a small amount of water usage, there is no lateral on S.T.H. 24 and it is the intention of the congregation to building a new church in five to seven years. Motion seconded by Ald. Knudsen and carried. Attorney Tom Schober appeared in behalf of Jerry and Marge Giefer regarding relocation of lot to original condition after the construction of sewers t through an easement which crosses their property. The committee to review the property and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Herb Peutzer, representing MC Development, appeared at the meeting to discuss the status of their property regarding access to city sewer system. Mr. Ray Wallner appeared for the Muskego Induatrial Park, Inc. (the former Loomis farm). to.discuss the possibility of connection into the city's sewer system. Report by Inspector Gerald Lee on infiltration problems was reviewed. It revealed eight violations out of 132 houses checked. A claim was received by John Hintz regarding damage to car by manhole on Tess Corners Dr. Same referred to insurance company. • Ald. Czarnecki moved to recommend payment to John Machado, Lawndale P1., in the sume of $66.14 for extra work required due to the incomplete lateral construction done by United Sewer Co. United Sewer will be charged for this reimbursement. Letter received from Waukesha Co. Health Dept. indicating a fecal coliform count of less than 100 at Linnie Lac Dam, Jewel Creek and Muskego Lake Dam. �. Communication was received from Matt & Kitty's Bowling Alley indicating their feeling that the sewer usage charge is too high. The committee will review this matter at the next meeting. Public Sewer Committee 5/7/73 - Page 2. • A request was received from NEMCA that consideration be given to extending the time limit for requirement to hook up into the city's northeast sewer system. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to the Common Council that the deadline date of June 1, 1973, be extended to October 1, 1973. Seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried. Ald. Czarnecki moved to advise the Plan Commission that the Sewer Committee would be willing to recommend that Howard Schwabenlender be granted permission to connect into the city's sewer system from Hedgewood Drive if a division of land is approved by the Plan Commission. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 P.M. 0 RK/je n U Respectfully submitted, Richard Knudsen, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee