PSEM19730409PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 9, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 11:15 A.M. Also present were Ald. Knudsen, Gerald Lee, Mayor Gottfried and Willard Bertram. Mr. Ed Zidar appeared regarding his bid on the forced hookup on the Crotty residence. He explained that at the time he submitted his bid he could not gain access to the inside of the home and since there was no basement, he based his bid on connection from the outside of the house to the street. He further stated that when he finally was able to enter the house the Building Inspector advised him that additional work had to be done in order to bring it up tb the State Plumbing requirements. The additional cost was $300.00. The committee agreed to submit it to the Council for their consideration. The status of several other forced hookups being done by Mr. Zidar was discussed and he. --agreed to finish the necessary work by Wednesday, April 11, 1973. Discussion was held relative to Rock's request for final payment and the extras due them for additional gravel and asphalt. Willard Bertram reminded the committee that there were still several areas within the city -owned right-of-ways that'have not been completed. Mayor Gottfried is to contact Rock regarding restoration on the Small property and on several ditches ;in their construction area and the condition of the ditch on the east side of the Schmidt property. Discussion was held regarding several problems encountered with contractors installing laterals in the "G" District. Gerald Lee advised the committee that he has directed his inspectors to spend more time in the field on these inspections. Willard Bertram was instructed to contact Jerry Lee's office regarding any problems due to the installation of laterals. It was further agreed that Mr. Ray Footland will be under the direct supervision of Jerry Lee until such a time when the majority of laterals have been installed in the "G" District. Willard Bertram advised the committee of the problem encountered on Sayroyan Road which resulted in the blockage of the main sewer. He advised the committee that although it was part of the Michel's contract they did not respond and he,�had to direct Urban Plumbing, Inc. to correct the problem. He also received help from the City of West Allis. The bill for the work submitted by Urban Plumbing, Inc. was $4,455.00. Mr. Bertram also reported that there was another obstruction in that line and suggested that it be T.V'd to pinpoint the problem. Ruekert & Mielke will be advised of the matter. Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the bill submitted by Urban Plumbing, Inc., subject to review by Mr. Bertram, Mr. Lee and Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried. The City Clerk reported to the committee the several problems she had encountered with billing tenants of multiple occupied commercial and residential buildings. She advised the committee that some renters had failed to pay their charge and moved away which would then result in the charges being placed on the tax roll. It was the committee's decision that if permitted under the Sewer Service Charge Ordinance, all sewer service charges will be billed against the owner making it his responsib- ility to collect from the individual tenants. Public Sewer Committee 4/9/73 - P.2 • 0 It A request was received from St. Paul's Church for permission to defer connection to the city's sewer system because their church building is expected to be replaced in four or five years. He explained that although the parsonage and school will be connected immediately they would experience problems in connecting to the church because of the location of the cemetery. The committee deferred action on this request pending an inspection and report by Gerald Lee. Aid. Schaumberg moved, as seconded by Aid. Knudsen, to recommend to the Council the advertising of bids to complete those forced hookups in the MSS-4-72 Project for which no bids were received at the time of the last advertising. Jerry Lee was instructed to contact the contractors in the area to urge them to submit a bid. Motion carried. Aid. Schaumberg moved to recommend to the Common Council that the city accept the quote from L. W. Allen, Inc. for the installation of a telemetered alarm system in all lift stations. Seconded by Aid. Knudsen. Motion carried. A letter was received from Attorney Buckley advising the committee of the extent of their obligations to satisfy individual claims of property owners against contractors during sewer construction. He stated that, in his opinion, that the city could not withhold monies and should only act as an agent to bring the two parties together in order that the dispute could be settled. Aid. Schaumberg moved that the Wojciechowski residende on Gold Drive be given summer cottage status since there was no plumbing in the building. Seconded by Aid. Knudsen. Motion carried. This will mean there will be no sewer service charge against the property. The committee discussed the status of Alvin Schaefer's request for permission to create a residential lot along Lions Park Drive in order that he might be able to either build a house or have one moved in. It was also his request that the total deferred would not become due and that he would only be required to pay an assessment on the required frontage on the residential lot. The City Attorney will be contacted Tuesday night for further clarification of his opinion regarding this matter. The question of sewer assessment on one of the lots of the Clarence Patton division was referred to Ruekert & Mielke for clarification. The request for sewer service by Harold Schwabenleddar was deferred until the next meeting. Aid. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:30 P.M. RK/je Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Knudsen, Sec'y.