PSEM19721002PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 2, 1972. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8:00 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Dumke and Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried. The committee reviewed a report by Ruekert & Mielke indicating the possible liquidated damages against the contractors in Project MSS-1-71 through MSS-10-71. Ald. Schaumberg moved to advise the Consulting Firm of Ruekert & Mielke that it is their intent to impose the total penalty for liquidated damages against all contractors. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Ald. Knudsen moved to recommend to the Common Council the following repairs to the Lannon Lift Station: Electric motor, impeller and new frame - per pump $1,825.00 (2) $ 3)650.00 Emergency by-pass 6,067.00 Total $ 9,717.00 Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. • After reviewing the infiltration problems in the northwest district with the Consulting Engineers and Building Inspector Lee which indicated that there could be a large number of illegal uses of the sanitary sewers for storm water drainage, it was the decision of the committee that a letter be sent to all users of the sanitary sewers advising them of the provisions of the Municipal Code which prohibits the use of sanitary sewers for storm water drainage. The letter is to be drafted by Mayor Gottfried for their review. The Public Sewer Committee also determined that continued review by the Public Works Committee on potential infiltration through manholes will be continued and that a house to house check of all sewer connections will be made after the above letter has been mailed. Ald. Knudsen advised that the roads in Hi-Y Ranches were in a deplorable condition as a result of sewer construction. It was the decision of the committee to advise Super Excavators that the necessary repairs shall be made and that a base coat of asphalt must be applied this fall. Ald. Knudsen moved to authorize the letting of bids for the forced hook-up on the John Kelley property. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. •Since the joint meeting between the City of New Berlin and the City of Muskego Sewer Committee had to be cancelled because of scheduled conflicts it was determined that a future meeting will be scheduled as quickly as possible. Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Dumke. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Is RK Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Knudsen