The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 7:13 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Dumke, Knudsen and Foldy and Mayor Gottfried.
Mrs. Merle Peppers, Hi-Y Drive, appeared at the meeting regarding their
sewer assessment. The matter to be reviewed by Ruekert & Mielke.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laabs, Hillendale Drive, appeared at the meeting to
• request that sewers be extended to serve their property. Ruekert & Mielke
will be contacted for cost of such extension.
Ald. Dumke moved, as seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, to deny the request of
Mr. Robert Brzezinski to receive sewer service from Simandl Drive because
of excessive additional costs to the city. Motion carried.
Ald. Knudsen moved to deny request of Robert Marcheschi, Hillendale Drive,
to have sewers extended to serve their property. Seconded by Ald. Dumke,
motion carried.
The Committee is still waiting for asbilt plans from Metropolitan Sewerage
Commission for the Jerome Brad property on Ruby Drive.
• An informal hearing will be held in August regarding the obtaining of the
sewer easements on South Denoon Road.
Ald. Dumke moved, as seconded by Ald. Knudsen, to advertise for bids for
the following forced sewer hook-ups in the "E" Sewer District for the
following properties:
E112 Jacomino Perocheschi
E115 Russell Bloch
E136 Orville Fisher
E2 Chester Schmidt
E12 Clarence Beierle
(Angel Property)
E31 Leonard Smith
Motion carried.
The following correspondence was reviewed:
S75 W19246 Bay Shore Dr.
S75 W19187 Bay Shore Dr.
W189 S7602 Circle Dr.
S75 W19432 Woodland P1
S75 W19417 Woodland P1.
W194 S7650 Westlyn Dr.
From Louis Duchossois, Sherwood Cir., directed to Sewer Committee,
dated 6/26/72, regarding loss of 5-ft. pine tree by sewer contractors.
• From Engineer Clark Barry, directed to Ray D. Leary of the Sewerage
Commission of City of Milwaukee, dated 6/30/72, submitting sewer plans
for Durham Meadows Subdivision.
To Sewer Committee from Alvin Basse, dated 6/19/72, indicating his
intent to develop approximately 20 acres of his land east of Bay Land Rd.
To United Sewer & Water from Engineer Clark Barry, dated 6/26/72, re-
garding removal of monument locating the center of Sec. 2.
From Roberta and Jerome Denis, Gold Drive, dated 6/18/72, requesting
lateral installation costs be assessed with real estate taxes.
Claim for damages to driveway by Chet Kadow, Emerson Dr., dated 6/20/72.
From Ald. Foldy, directed to Sewer Committee, dated 6/20/72, regarding
damage to blacktop driveway of Mr. Robert Jones, Sherwood Circle.
Correspondence regarding sunken sewer lateral on the John Walsh property
on Woods Rd.
Communications from City Clerk Bette Bowyer advising the easement from
National Savings,& Loan to sewer the Kelley property has been obtained.
All correspondence pla 'e on file.
Public Sewer Committee
7/6/72 - Page 2.
Ald. Dumke moved, as seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, to defer action on
the Plan Commission's request for action on the availability of sewers
for the proposed Farnsworth Gold Row Development. Motion carried.
The request of Wm. Thomka, Simandl Drive, regarding sewer assessment
was referred to the Public Works Committee.
• Mayor Gottfried to contact Ruekert & Mielke regarding the possibility
�j of sewering the Linnie Lac Subdivision.
The Committee requested that Mayor Gottfried obtain a list of non -
hookups in the "F" District.
Ald. Ron Ford suggested that the Committee request the Waukesha County
Health Dept. to investigate inoperable septic systems in the city.
Ald. Knudsen requested that if the city does not need all of the
available fill in the "H" District, that consideration be given to
persons requesting fill in that area.
iAld. Schaumberg moved, as seconded by Ald. Dumke, that the request for
deferment of sewer assessment by Mr. Mark Bodul, Woods Rd., be denied
because it does not meet the intent of Resolution #154-71 adopted by
the Common Council.
Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn, as seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 P.M.