• The meeting was called to order at 10:10 A.M.
Aldermen Dumke, Knudsen, Schaumberg and Ford.
Present were Mayor Gottfried,
The committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and they were
• placed on file.
Mr. Richardson, Hillendale Drive, appeared at the meeting inquiring as
•� to whether or not sewers could be extended to his property. He was
informed that sewers will]not serve his property at this time.
Mrs. Robert Marcheschi, Hillendale Drive, appeared at the meeting to
again discuss the possible extension of sewers to her property. Ald.
Knudsen will contact Mr. James Hazzard regarding this matter as his
property on Hillendale Drive would be involved.
The committee is awaiting the asbilt plans from Metropolitan Sewerage
Commission regarding the Jerome Brad property.
Ald. Ford suggested to the committee that sewer specifications regarding
the proposed areas involving Hillendale Heights and Hi-Y Ranches Sub-
divisions be tightened regarding the following:
1. The possibility of an extra coat of oil or additional calcium
chloride be used.
2. Top soil be required for shoulders instead of gravel and shoulders
seeded with a good quality seed as well as mulching.
3. Assurance that the final grade of the road following asphalting
not be higher than it was originally.
4. Special efforts be made to prevent excessive erosion in those
areas where laterals are placed.
The proposed Lake Denoon sewer project was discussed. A meeting will
be held in the near future regarding easement to be used for installation.
Because the results of the poll that was taken as to whether or not
residents of Bay Lawn and Freedom Acres Subdivisions desire sewers within
the next year were so close the committee has determined that another
questionnaire will be sent to the residents specifying the area in which
they live.
• The committee is awaiting data of recent manhole inspection in an effort
to determine the areas of infiltration and statistics as to treatment
capacity at this time.
40 Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend to the Common Council that sanitary
sewers be extended to serve Pioneer Centre. Seconded by Ald. Knudsen,
motion carried.
The question of serving the St. Leonard's Subdivision with municipal sewers
was again discussed. It had been approved by the Council subject to a
65% limitation on the proposed 11 lot subdivision. This would permit them
to build on 7 lots. They have requested that all 11 lots be declared
buildable since additional lands would be available for further divisions.
The question will be submitted to the Council for action without recommendat-
ion by this committee.
Ald. Dumke moved to recommend denial to the proposed subdivision on the
Lazynski Beck property due to question of the capacity of the NW treatment
plant and because they have received a long term sewer assessment deferment.
e request f Ray Wallner for municipal sewers on the former Loomisproperty
• Th q st o Y P
was deferred by the committee.
Ald. Knudse\moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. ;cha`t
otion ca ied.The meeting adjurned at 2:20 P.M.
rd Knudsen, Sec y.
RK/1e Sewer Committee