PSEM19720518PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 182 1972 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 7:25 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Knudsen and Foldy and Mayor Gottfried. The committee discussed the request of property owners on Sherwood Circle for additional laterals. Mr. Lee to contact property owners involved. 46 The request by Jerome Brad, Ruby Drive, for extension of lateral to his lot line was again discussed. The Sewer Committee to view the Brad property. Mr. Robert Marcheschi, S66 W20287 Hillendale Drive, appeared at the meeting requesting the exact location of the proposed sewers in the Hillendale Heights area. Mayor Gottfried will contact Ruekert & Mielke. Mr. Richard P. Jahnke, representing Mr. Dale Dawson, has requested that the Dawson land which is adjacent to Hi-Y Ranches Subdivision, be included in the area of the proposed sewer project. Mr. Frank Narlock appeared at the meeting indicating that he would be in favor of partial development of his land. Aid. Knudsen moved to recommend to the Common Council that St. Leonard's Subdivision be permitted to connect into the city's sewer system subject to the 65% development limitation. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg. Motion carried. The proposed development of Lazynski & Beck was deferred until the next meeting of the Sewer Committee. Aid. Knudsen moved to recommend to the Council that sewers be installed to serve twenty lots on the proposed Narlock development. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg. Motion carried. Aid. Knudsen moved that the Council authorize the advertising of bids for sewer installation in the Hillendale Heights and Hi-Y Ranches area. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg. Motion carried. Aid. Schaumberg moved that salaries for sewer inspectors be increased to $3.97 per hour. Seconded by Aid. Knudsen. Motion carried. A request from Earl Broberg, Muskego Drive, to withhold payment to Cathlina Construction Co. for leveling his property was considered. Attorney Buckley to be contacted. Mr. Roblee's proposal to develop the property on College Ave. and Gold Dr. owned by Farnsworth, Richdorf and Kuether, into RSM was discussed. No action taken. Aid. Knudsen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 P.M. Re ly s mitted, c r nudsen, Sec'y. \ Public Sewer Committee RK/je