• Chairman Foldy called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. Also present were
Aldermen Foldy and Schaumberg and Mayor Gottfried.
•Mrs. Phylis Lyons appeared at the meeting regarding her sewer assessment.
Ald. Foldy moved that Mrs. Lyon's 1971 assessment be modified to reflect
the corner lot assessment as had been approved in the committee minutes
• dated 1/20/72. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried.
The Fred Wendt easement in the NE District was discussed.
The question of minimum acreage for deferred assessment requests was
discussed (Bodul assessment). No action was taken.
The claim for damage to driveway and culvert foom Fred Lavey on Somerset
Drive was reviewed and has been referred to L & R Construction.
The corner lot land division of Wimmer Blatter in the Jewel Crest
Subdivision was discussed. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with City
Attorney Buckley regarding the city's claim.
Mr. Anton Beringer's request to waive lateral installation fee on his
second lot was reviewed. It was the committee's decision to grant his
. request subject to the signing of the land covenant document.
The sewer lateral bid form Mueller Industries home on Pioneer Drive is
referred to Building Inspector for review.
The following correspondence was reviewed:
To Mayor Gottfried and Sewer Committee from John Mielke regarding C & C
Bohrer's difficulty in getting delivery on necessary equipment for the
NE WasWwater Treatment Plant.
To Metropolitan Sewage Commission and Don Otto from Clark Barry regarding
street name changes in Lincolnshire and Willow Wood Subdivisions
To B. J. Bowyer from Bureau of Water Supply and Pollution Control regarding
well, pumping equipment and pumphouse.
To Cathlina Const. Co. from C. Barry regarding cavein on Topaz Dr.
To Michaels Pipeline and Ryan, Inc. from C. Barry requesting they send
a representative to a meeting with the city on Mar. 29, 1972, regarding
responsibilities for city streets upon which trucking is occurring.
during sewer construction.
• To City Attorney Buckley from C. Barry regarding Principati claim.
To Metropolitan Sewerage Commission from C. Barry regarding sewer and
water mains in Industrial Park.
• To John Mielke from C. Barry regarding Rite Realty's plans for Wollman
and Schmidt property.
All correspondence placed on file.
Ald. Schaumberg moved to deny Ralph Martin's request for a deferment on
his assessment of 100 feet on the south side of Martin Drive and for sewer
extension to his home. Seconded by Ald. Foldy, motion carried.
Ald. Foldy moved to deny Jerome Brad's request for lateral extension (Ruby
Drive). Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried.
The question of sewer service charges for the Miller Office Building was
discussed and it was the decision of the committee that there will be
no charges for vacant offices in new construction. City Clerk to correspond
with Mr. Miller.
Public Sewer/Welfare Committee
City of Muskego 4/6/72
Page 2.
The lateral extension policy on Lannon Drive on lots in Kirkwood
Manor Add. #1 and an extra abutting lot were reviewed by the
committee and it was their decision that individual claims be made
to the Council for justification.
The committee discussed the Fickau building in the Tess Corners
Four (4) Building Code violations were received and placed on
One (1) Junk Car violation was received and placed on file.
Two (2) condemnation orders were reviewed. Lots 12 and 13, Lochcrest
Farm Plat (Starich) and the Ken Horigan property on Janesville Rd.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul J. Schaumberg, Sec'y.
PTO 14�