The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Foldy. Also
present were Aldermen DeBack, Schaumberg and Burgermeister and Mayor
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Correspondence was received from Rose LaPorta, Lot 2 Blk E, MacLen
Meadows regarding her sewer assessment.
Correspondence received from Mr. Robert Gordon, Lot 5 Blk 9, Jewel
Crest Subdivision, complaining that his laterals were not placed where
he had staked them.
Letter received from Mr. Ben Olson, Saroyan Circle, regarding
automobile damage. Letter had been directed to Rock Contractors
Mr. Bruce Renk, W143 56983 Belmont Dr., appeared at the meeting
regarding a problem with his well. Mayor Gottfried to discuss
problem with Building Inspector Lee and make suggests to Mr. Renk.
The Committee reviewed the necessity to extend an addition/17 feet
• of lateral to the lot line as a result of required road dedication in
Kirkwood Manor #1.
Correspondence was reviewed from William Robb to Mr. Clarence Pluer
regarding sewer hookup within 30 days due to faulty septic system.
It was the decision of the Committee to discontinue Flasher Service
becausejof billing problems in the past.
Correspondence received from Lake Denoon Advancement Association
indicating their organization is unanimously in favor of having their
area sewered as soon as possible.
Correspondence received from William Robb concerning sanitary sewer
connections on the Salentine property.
Correspondence received from Clark Barry concerning sewer fill from
Hi-Y Ranches and Hillendale Heights.
Sewer contract penalties received - the Committee to review with John
Mielke for his recommendation.
Requests for final payment for several projects in the Northwest Dist.
were reviewed and Ald. Schaumberg moved to defer all final payments
until areas have been checked by Clark Barry and Supt. Bertram and
the Sewer Committee. Seconded by Ald. Foldy, motion carried.
Complaint received from Donald Worski, Diamond Drive, indicating drive-
way not repaired according to agreement - same referred to Michaels Const.
Correspondence received from L&R Const. Co. regarding automobile damage
Egr Mr. Schofield.
The number of sewer inspectors was reduced by one due to reduction of
sewer work.
\ The Koeferl Property and easement was reviewed and referred to Mr.
Buckley for opinion.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y.
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