PSEM19710908• PUBLIC SEWER/WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were Aldermen Schaumberg and DeBack and Mayor Gottfried. The following correspondence was reviewed: From Waukesha Co. Dept. of Health in answer to Mayor's letter of August 27, 1971, regarding rabies in Waukesha Co. Nine cases were reported from 1965 thru 1970. From Mr. Clark Barry regarding the approval of plastic type sewer pipe in Willow Wood Subdivision. From Ruekert & Mielke to EPA regarding new equipment for measuring flow at treatment pond being installed. From Alexander Melenchuck to L&R Const. Co. regarding problem with a drainage ditch. • From Michaels Pipeline requesting permission to use Lang Engineering as sub -contractor. Ald. Schaumberg moved, as seconded by Ald. DeBack, that permission be granted, motion carried. Ald. DeBack moved to deny request for deferred assessment for Lawrence Vanden Plas, College Ave., due to assessment roll being closed. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. From L&R Const. Co. advising they had repaired a settled lateral trench at S69 W18004 Muskego Drive. From Duane Hinderman, Dept. of Natural Resources, advising that a final audit of the NW Dist. will be taken when all bills are paid. From DNR advising that $530,000.00 had been forwarded to City of Muskego as partial State Grant payment for installation of sewers. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with Ruekert & Mielke regarding potential overloading of the Racine Ave. interceptor with particular attention to the Schaefer Farm. Ald. DeBack moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg. Motion . carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y. PUBLIC SEWER/WELFARE COMMITTEE