The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Foldy
Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen DeBack, Schaumberg,
Burgermeister and Building Inspector Lee.
The minutes of the previous meetings were reviewed and placed on
Field Engineer Gary Schaefer appeared at the meeting to report on
the status of all sewer projects within the City.
Ald. Burgermeister reported that in his opinion, the sewer constractors
have been lax in the proper clean-up of the completed sewered areas.
The proper procedures to follow in handling citizen complaints was
discussed. Mr. Schaefer will contact the various contractors in areas
where sewers have been installed.
Mrs. Alex Romanski, Assessment #876-A, appeared at the meeting re-
questing that they be granted permission to hook up their sewer lateral
from the sewer easement which runs along the Koeferl property. She
• was advised thht the Committee saw no problem in this r8quest and the
Resident Engineer will be so advised.
Mr. James Havrolock, W124 S6491 Hawthorne Rd., Assessment #G25, appeared
at the meeting requesting that he be assessed only to manhole which
extends over 15 feet of his frontage. Previous procedure was explained
to him. Ald. DeBack moved to deny his request on the basis that it was
contrary to the assessment policies established by the City. Seconded
by Ald. Schaumbei& motion carried.
Mrs. Yvonne Surprise, Assessment #F500, appeared at the meeting, request-
ing that the 22'k feet of frontage along Island Drive be removed from the
sewer assessment roll. She explained that she has already been assessed
for sewers along Muskego Drive. Following discussion, Ald. Foldy moved
to deny her request on the basis that the area in question was a private
parcel and not available to adjoining property owners. Seconded by Ald.
DeBack, motion carried.
The replacement of street signs and traffic signs that have been lost
or damaged due to sewer construction, was discussed. Ald. Burgermeister
will take inventory of same and report back to the Committee.
Communication received from Mr. Gerald Tang, Assessment #G401. He
VP questioned his sewer assessment on a cul-de-sac. Ald. DeBack moved to
deny his request on the basis that he does not live on a cul-de-sac
and the assessment was determined according to the established assessment
policy. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried.
Communication was received from Flora Petzak, S68 W18725 Gold Dr.,
Assessment #F604, requesting a reassessment of her property. The
Committee reviewed the action of the previous Sewer Committee. Her
. communication was placed on file.
At 8:15 P.M. the meeting of the Welfare/Sewer Committee adjourned in
order that the Public Works Committee meeting could take place.
At 10:15 P.M. the meeting reconvened.
Public Welfare/Sewer Committee - City of Muskego
Meeting held 5/6/71 Page 2
Communication was received from Marko Bodul, S70 W13108 Woods Road,
Assessment #G791, requesting deferral of his assessment. Communication
placed on file and will be considered along with all other deferal
Communication and statement received from Dale Holtz Service, Big Bend,
regarding claim for damage to car owned by Marjorie Backhaus, S64
W18888 School Drive. Communication referred to Cape Construction.
Building Inspector Lee appeared at the meeting to discuss the respon-
sibility of installation of inspection manholes required in all
industrial buildings by the State of Wisconsin. The City's Consulting
Engineers will be contacted regarding this problem.
Communication was received from Audie Potzner, owner of Tex's Bar,
located at W188 S6909 Gold Drive, dated April 14, 1971, requesting
restoration of his picnic grounds following completed sewer installation.
Communication placed on file.
A letter was received from Mr. Carl Wauer, requesting the City
• acknowledge the validity of the Dump Permit which was granted in
1954 to his deceased father. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with
City Attorney Buckley.
The clean-up of the Viola Kurtze property on Kurtze Lane was discussed.
Ald. Foldy moved to give Mrs. Kurtze thirty (30) days to accomplish
same. Seconded by Ald. DeBack. Motion carried.
Clean-up of the following razed properties was discussed by Building
Inspector Lee:
Evelyn Schwefel - Janesville Road
West Allis Savings & Loan - Janesville Road
Swartz Realty - W175 S6927 Lake Drive
Eleven (11) Junk car violations were reviewed and placed on file.
Nine (9) Zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file.
Communication received from William Rogan, Waukesha Co. Agent, advising
of a Rabies Vaccination Program for dogs to be conducted at the City
Garage on June 2nd and the Durham Hill School on June 4th, 1971.
• Ald. DeBack moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ald. Foldy.
Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 B.M., May 7, 1971.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y.