The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Gottfried.
Also present were Aldermen Wollman, Narlock, Foldy and Burgermeister,
Engineer Barry and Building Inspector Lee.
Minutes of meeting held on March 10, 1971, were reviewed and placed
on file.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brad, S65 W18422 Ruby Drive, appeared regarding damages
to their property by Michels Construction Co. and presented a letter
describing such damages to the committee. Letter was referred to
Michels Construction Co. and Engineers Ruekert & Mielke for action.
Mayor Gottfried to correspond with Michels and Ruekert & Mielke with
a copy to the Brads regarding this matter.
Wollman moved that the service charge per hour for City Sewer Inspectors
in private developments will be $9.75. Seconded by Burgermeister.
Motion carried.
Chairman Gottfried advised the Committee that at the next scheduled
sewer meeting the requests for deferments in the "G" District would
be studied and recommendations made.
Chairman Gottfried advised the Committee that at the first scheduled
Sewer Committee meeting in May, the Lake Denoon program would be
studied in detail and recommendations made.
Ald. Narlock appeared in behalf of residents in Hillendale Heights
and Hi-Y Ranches Subdivisions regarding installation of sewers to
that area. It was the Committee's opinion that a time schedule could
not be established at this time until the financial report of the
sewer program was received from Ehlers & Associates.
Burgermeister moved that PVC and Truss Pipe be permitted in the sewer
program in the Muskego Sewer Districts MSS-1-71 through MSS-11-71.
Seconded by Wollman. Motion carried.
Wollman moved that the City Clerk -Comptroller be directed to withhold
one (1) week's salary of the Sewer Inspectors. Seconded by Burgermeister.
Motion carried.
Wollman moved that the City establish two (2) positions of Field
Coordinator Sewer Inspector at $4.00 per hour, plus $25.00 per month
car allowance. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried.
Sewer Bids in Districts MSS-4-71 thru MSS-7-71 were discussed and it
was the Committee's opinion, upon the recommendation of Engineers Ruekert
& Mielke, that no decision would be made until the opening. -of the bids
on March 26, 1971, on Projects MSS-8-71 thru MSS-11-71.
Discussion took place regarding fill permits from spoils of the sewer
' excavations and no action will be taken until the Rules, Laws & Ordinance
Committee has opportunity to study Engineer Barry's recommendations of
amendments to the City Ordinances.
\Burgermeister moved to adjourn. Seconded by Wollman. Motion carried.
is The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
(4. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee