• Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gottfried at 7:25 P.M. Also present
were Aldermen Sapp, Wollman and Burgermeister and Building Inspector Lee.
Minutes of meeting held on February 10, 1971, were reviewed and placed
on file.
40 Mr. Ed. Kumm, S70 W13031 Woods Rd., appeared regarding his sewer
assessment. He was referred to Building Inspector Lee for further
study of division of his property.
Mr. George Small and Mr. J. R. Small appeared with reference to Assessment
for sewers on College Avenue abutting their property (G-759 and G-794-A)
Ruekert & Mielke to re-evaluate assessment due to non installation of
sewers on College Avenue, such correction to be made to the assessment
rolls. Also Mr. G. Small submitted a letter requesting deferral of sewer
assessment in accordance with Resolution #19-71, As Amended. Letter
placed on file.
Mr. Leonard Hayne, S66 W13809 Hemingway, appeared regarding Assessment
#G264 for possible re-evaluation of his assessment. Motion by Burgermeister
to deny his request. Seconded by Wollman, motion carried.
• Burgermeister moved to deny the request of R. E. Bastiani (Assessment YtE-4)
regarding a non -hookup due to long lateral from property line to home.
Seconded by Wollman, motion carried.
Ald. Wollman moved that the Sewer Committee acknowledge receipt of the
petition of residents in the Hi-Y Ranches Subdivision regarding instal-
lation of sewers in that area and that further action will depend upon
the financial capability of the City. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried.
A letter from the Dept. of Natural Resources, dated 1/22/71, regarding
Phase II of the Parkland Plaza Development, was received and placed on
A letter from City Attorney Buckley referring to the extension of sewer
service to the apartments on Emerson Drive in the City of New Berlin,
dated 3/5/71, was read and placed on file.
Communication from A. Revolinski, S68 W12662 Bristlecone La., dated
2/23/71, was received, regarding Assessment G404. Communication requested
a re-evaluation of his assessment. Ald. Sapp moved to deny request. Sec-
onded by Wollman. Motion carried.
•Letter received from Ed. Turzinski, S65 W18580 Silver Dri., dated 2/13/71,
regarding damages to his property, same referred to Michels Const. Co.
for action.
A memorandum received from Mr. Rohrwasser regarding sewer service to
his Lots 8 and 9, Blk. B, Oak Ridge, Unrec. Sub'n., was received. Mayor
Gottfried to advise by letter.
Mr. Ben Jaeger of Woodland Ct. sent a memorandum to Committee regarding
easement and lateral. Wollman moved to install 20' of lateral off easement
which Mr. Jaeger granted to City at no cost. Seconded by Sapp. Motion
\Letter dated 3/2/71 from City Engineer Barry with reference to Apex
Contractors breaking main at Lannon Drive and pumping surface water into
sewer system, was read. Contractor to repair main and clean lines.
Action\by Apex Construction to be followed up by City Engineee Barry
and report back to the Sewer Committee as to corrective action taken.
Public Sewer Committee
City of Muskego - 3/10/71
Page 2.
It was the Committee's opinion to defer any action on the installation
of sewers in the Lake Denoon Area until the next meeting.
Mr. George Schaefer appeared at the meeting regarding deferment of
. Assessment Nos. D-4, D-25 and E-189. Burgermeister moved to defer
all assessments except 100' on Lions Park Drive on which the resid-
ence is located. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried.
Sapp moved to adjourn. Seconded by Wollman, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee