PSEM19701216PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 16, 1970 • The meeting was called to order at 8:50 P.M. Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman and Burgermeister and Building Inspector Lee. The minutes of the meeting held November 16, 1970, were read and placed on file. iRepresentatives of the Sewer Inspectors appeared to discuss salaries and benefits. Representatives of the Tess Corners Fire Dept. appeared to discuss sewer construction problems in the Northeast District regarding the possible closing of roads and streets. Mr. J. Peroceschi, S75 W19246 Bay Shore Dr., Assessment #D-34, was dis- cussed. Wollman moved to waive lateral. Seconded by Sapp, motion carried. Mr. Eugene Moritz, S71 W19122 Hillview Dr., request was discussed. Burger- meister moved that the request be denied. Seconded by Wollman. Motion carried. Mrs. Hugo Ripp's request of installation of lateral was discussed. Burger- • mesiter moved to deny request. Seconded by Wollman. Motion carried. Extension of sewers in Hi-Y Ranches Subdivision and Hillendale Heights Subdivision was discussed. Action was deferred until bids received in the Northeast District. Sewer assessment of Bay Lane School was discussed. Action was deferred until Mayor Gottfried can meet with the School Board. Mr. Richard Ford, S64 W18431 Topaz Dr., Tax Key #2174.978, request was discussed. Action was deferred until Engineers Ruekert & Mielke can verify legality of assessment. Mr. Robert Jazdzewski's request for a re-evaluation of his assessment (C584) was discussed. Wollman moved to deny. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried. Mr. H. McCullough, Jr. (Assessment #F532)and Mrs. Mary Killa's assessment (F524) was discussed. The request was denied based on the policy used in determining assessments. Mr. Alvin Gibson's request was reviewed and it was determined that the normal procedures regarding laterals would be used. Mary Androjna's Assessment (#D636) request for reconsideration was discussed. Burgermeister moved to deny. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried. Mr. Ray Otto's request for assurance from the City that he could tie into municipal sewers at a manhole on Island Drive if the Zoning Ordinance of the City and the Dept. of Natural Resources permitted him to build on the island, was discussed. Burgermeister moved to grant his request. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried. A request for a waiver for a sewer lateral from D. Broberg, Tax Key #2174.951 was received. Sapp moved to grant the waiver. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried. A letter dated 12/12/70 from Mr. Fred Wienke, complimenting Cape Construction Company on their sewer construction work, was read and placed on file. A letter from the Dept. of Natural Resources, dated 11/19/70, was read and placed on,\file. Sewer Committee -City of Muskego 12/16/70 Page 2. • A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Broberg, dated 11/30/70, was read and placed on file. A letter from Fountainwood Pool Association, Inc., dated 1/31/68, was read and placed on file. Letter from Engineers Ruekert & Mielke, dated 12/2/70, regarding wash waters, was read and placed on file. A letter from Mrs. L. Zremski offering a parcel of land to the City (Tax Key #2189.081) was read. Wollman moved to accept dedication of land, waiving the sewer assessment for said dedication. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried. Letter from Engineers Ruekert and Mielke, dated December 3, 1970, regarding the Hales Corners Sand & Gravel extension of sewers to be borne by the developer, was read and placed on file. A letter from Engineers Ruekert & Mielke, dated 12/3/70, referring to Gaulke Drive, was read and action was deferred. •A letter from Ruekert & Mielke, dated 12/3/70, referring to the City's intent to remove plans of sewering College Ave. between S.T.H. 24 and Tess Corners Drive, was read and placed on file. Mr. Joseph Eberle's request for a 10' easement on a City Park in Jewel Crest to install sewer lateral, was discussed. Wollman moved to grant request. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried. (Assessment #F244) Sewer Inspectors salaries and benefits were discussed. Sapp moved to raise the salary of the Sewer Inspectors from $3.50 to $3.75 per hour for those who have worked for the City for 12 weeks and to provide that employee with the benefit of a health insurance policy, the cost to the City not to exceed the rate for that of a single person. Seconded by Burgermeister. The motion carried with Ald. Wollman voting "no". Sapp moved to authorize Ruekert & Mielke to draw up plans for non -hook- ups in the "D" District and advertise for bids for same. Seconded by Burgermeister. Motion carried. Wollman moved to waive the standby charge for Groh Builders on one (1) lateral due to combining three (3) lots into two (2) lots and previous installation of three (3) laterals. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried. • Burgermeister moved to adjourn. Seconded by Sapp. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:01 A.M. 12/17/70. Respectfully submitted, R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE RAB/je