The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Sapp, Wollman, Foldy and Burger-
meister and Building Inspector Lee.
The minutes of meeting held November 4, 1970, were reviewed and placed
on file.
Mr. J. Perocheshi, S75 W19246 Bay Shore Dr., appeared regarding a lateral
installation, Assessment D34. Action was deferred.
Mr. Eugene Moritz, S71 W19122 Hillview Dr., appeared to appeal the
decision of the committee regarding the laterals to his property.
Action was deferred.
Mr. R. Olsen, W192 S7202 Hillside Dr., appeared regarding his sewer
assessment (Assess't # F-49) and damages to property. Action regarding
the sewer assessment was denied. Letter and estimates of damages to
be submitted by Mr. Olson.
• Mr. J. Hulman, W192 S7179 Hillside Dr. appeared regarding prepayment.
No action taken.
Action referring to the Hugo Ripp property was deferred until the next
Ald. Sapp moved to reconsider the motion that had been adopted on November
4th, 1970, regarding the cul de sac policy to be used on dead end staeets
and on odd and pie shaped lots where the difference of the frontage lot
line and the rear lot line exceeds 51%. Seconded by Ald. Burgermeister.
Motion carried. Burgermeister moved to defer action. Seconded by Wollman.
Motion carried.
Action on installation of sewers in Hi Y Ranches was deferred.
Action on installation of sewers in Hillendale Heights was deferred.
Letters and bills for damages to vehicles from Mr. William Kassulke and
Mr. H. Nietz were ferred to City Attorney.
Letter from Craig Mills, W187 S6906 Gold Dr., directed to Ruekert & Mialke,
which referred to damages to surveying equipment was read and placed on
Burgermeister moved to lgive the 10-day hook-up order to the property listed
below or, Ordinance #127 would be placed in effect:
Ellsworth Koch - Property Key # 2192.052
Mrs. Erna Kestner " If # 2192.030
Dr. Wonder Itit # 2189.187
Dale Van Ooyen ITit # 2189.188
Seconded by Ald. Sapp. Motion carried.
Sapp moved to adjourn. Seconded by Wollman. Motion carried. The meeting
adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
` �`�l v Mom,
\ R. A. Bur, rmeister, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee
RAB/je \